SELECT create_time_partitions(table_name:='time_series_events_very_veery_looooooooooooooong_named_table', partition_interval:= '1 month', end_at:= '2021-01-01', start_from:='2020-01-01'); ERROR: could not form array type name for type "time_series_events_very_veery_looooooooooooooo...
There i saw that all tables with partitions don't have a CREATE_TIME set (NULL). But the CREATE_TIME is used by my event to find the tables it has to delete. Most other tables without partitions have a CREATE_TIME set. The event-body is: ...
R-package: Methods for dividing data into groups. Create balanced partitions and cross-validation folds. Perform time series windowing and general grouping and splitting of data. Balance existing groups with up- and downsampling or collapse them to fewer
Most people name the partitions in such a way that they know how old the data is in each partition. This also factors into creating a new partition every day (or week or whatever). And when they create the new partition, they DROP the oldest one (by name) in the same process....