... Create mould reference 编制模具制造基准书 CREATE REFERENCE MODEL 创建参照模型 ; 创立 …dict.youdao.com|基于2个网页 2. 建立参照模型 6. 按一下「建立参照模型」(Create reference Model) 视窗中的「确定」(OK)。 7. 选取「警告讯息」(Warning Message) 视窗 …www.ptc.com|基于2个网页...
As you can see inDesign Model-Reference Neural Controller in Simulink, the model reference control architecture has two subnetworks. One subnetwork is the model of the plant that you want to control. The other subnetwork is the controller. You will begin by training a NARX network that will b...
Handle for using and accessing the 2D data code model. Example (HDevelop) Result The operatorcreate_data_code_2d_modelreturns the value2(H_MSG_TRUE) if the given parameters are correct. Otherwise, an exception is raised. Possible Successors ...
create_bead_inspection_model— Create a model to inspect beads or adhesive in images. Signature create_bead_inspection_modelcreates a model to inspect beads or adhesive in images. The basic principle of bead inspection The bead inspection operators enable the user to define a reference contour that...
Atlas 800 training server (model 9010) Y (The NPU must work in AMP mode.) N N Y Example int card_id = 0; int device_id = 0; int vdev_id = 0; struct dcmi_create_vdev_out out = {0}; int ret; const char *template_name = "vir02"; ret = dcmi_create_vdevice(card_...
int dsmi_create_vdevice(unsigned int devid, struct dsmi_vdev_create_info *info) Description Creates a virtual device. Parameters Parameter Input/Output Description devid Input Device ID. The value range is determined by dsmi_get_device_count. Call dsmi_list_device to obtain the supported ...
CreateTypedObjectReference 方法在语义上类似于 CreateTypedObject 方法,只不过它创建对基础本机/语言构造的引用。 创建的引用是具有一种 ObjectTargetObjectReference 的对象。 它不是本机引用,因为基础语言可能支持(例如:C++& 或 &&)。 完全可以将 ObjectTargetObjectReference 用于C++引用。
Unversioned - a model package that is not part of a model group. See also: AWS API DocumentationSynopsis¶ create-model-package [--model-package-name <value>] [--model-package-group-name <value>] [--model-package-description <value>] [--inference-specification <value>] [--validation-sp...
This paper aims at defining a method to create a process reference model, which can be adapted to heterogeneous organizations. In order to construct this, we propose a method using BPMN language and based on the value chain ap- proach. This process reference model issued from heterogeneous ...