From the Phone Number screen, tap Continue . To continue, review the Terms and Conditions then tap Agree . To confirm, tap Agree . An email with verification steps is sent to the address chosen as the Apple ID. You can also create an ID for your Apple®iPhone®by visiting theCreate ...
using System.Text; namespace Phoneword; public static class PhonewordTranslator { public static string? ToNumber(string raw) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(raw)) return null; raw = raw.ToUpperInvariant(); var newNumber = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var c in raw) { ...
Option 1: using your own overseabusiness license(go through a special application process).Tencent has a case-by-case application process for companies wanting to create a WeChat Official Account. It’s a longer application procedure (about 2-4 weeks) and costs a $99 verification fee. It how...
Publisher makes it easy to produce effective business cards, whether you create your own design or use one of the Publisher designs. You can use color schemes and font schemes to select the colors and fonts that reflect your company's image. You can further custom...
Replace a placeholder logo with your own logo Click the logo placeholder, pause, and then click the placeholder picture again to display theInsert Picturetoolbar. In theInsert Picturedialog box, browse to the location with the logo that you want to insert into the publication,...
PHONE:电话。仅 DataWorks 专业版及以上版本支持。 Webhooks(企业微信或飞书机器人),仅当配置 Webhooks 参数后,该报警方式才会生效。 DINGROBOTS:钉钉群机器人。 多个报警方式之间使用英文逗号(,)分隔。 SMS,MAIL AlertTargets string 否 当AlertUnit(报警接收人)为 OWNER(节点任务责任人)时,传空。 当AlertUnit(...
Columns:Used in scenarios where you have two columns that should be combined as one, such as a phone number, email, or name. Group of columns:Used in scenarios where you want to treat a group of columns as a single unit. For example, if our records contain the columns Address1, Addres...
If you don’t own an Apple device yet, you can create an Apple ID without a phone number through the Apple Music website. This method works onbrowsers across Android or Windows devicesand skips the phone number verification step entirely. Keep in mind, though, that this Apple ID will only...
From the Phone Number screen, tap Continue . To continue, review the Terms and Conditions then tap Agree . To confirm, tap Agree . An email with verification steps is sent to the address chosen as the Apple ID. You can also create an ID for your Apple®iPhone®by visiting theCreate...
In today’s world, our smartphones have become indispensable. They may be small, but they are capable of holding our entire world within them. This is why