How do I make my own nutrition facts label? ReciPal’s easy-to-use nutrition label maker simplifies the process of creating labels for your business. With our tool, you can set up your recipe to calculate its nutrition by choosing ingredients from our custom USDA nutrition database or creati...
Hi! I am Specialist in Nutrition and Biochemistry with 3 years of professional experience. During my career I have worked for solid and successful companies in the consulting and creation of Nutrition Facts and Supplement Facts Label. Today, I will create your Nutrition Facts Labels according to ...
Do everything at your own paceHumans tend to be competitive animals. This is great for the winner, and those who come second or third. However, being competitive in the wrong way can kill motivation. If you have to compete, compete with your past self. Compare your performance today with ...
Check the label to see how much sodium is in canned vegetables and soups. Look for varieties that say low sodium on the label. If you're buying canned fruits, choose brands that are packed in juice rather than syrup. Frozen Foods Frozen foods can be just as healthy as fresh ones. Look...