Create your own iPhone, iPod, Samsung or iPad Case live on our website, you will get a Case designed specifically for your device.
Create your own introduction, give detailed instructions, explain reasons of why you ask for feedback, as this is what the welcome page is for. Right after respondents finish the last question and submit the survey, you can redirect respondents to your e-shop, website or any landing page of...
intendedStatusNoENUMCreative user intended status. The creative intended status is set independently from parent entity status, but parent entity status overrides creative intended status in effect. For example, parent entity status may be PAUSED while creative status is ACTIVE, in which case the...
Let’s sum up so you can create your own job seekers surveys Search and recruitment can take place among existing employees(internal resources)or on the labor market(external resources). In both cases, the recruitment questionnaire makes it possible to ascertain the interest in the given position...
Business Card: "BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:2.1\nN:Smith;John\nFN:John Smith\nORG:Adobe\nTITLE:Engineer\nTEL;CELL:+919876543210\nTEL;WORK;VOICE:123456789\nADR;WORK:;;Street ABC;Seattle;Washington;98101;US\nEMAIL;WORK;\\nEND:VCARD" The data entries can be...
Many families love technology, and everything it offers, but find it difficult to set boundaries or talk about problems with their children. If that’s the case for you, too, a digital family agreement will: ✔Allow you to reflect on how much your family uses technologyas a whole, and...
Consistent Information– When emailing, people don’t always send you all the information that you need. With a contact form, you can tell the user exactly what information you want, like theirphone number, budget, project details, and more. ...
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Big style idea for teeny-weeny cell phone.(contract with Motorola to create leather cellular phone case)(Brief Article)McKinney, Melonee
I watch movies during flight. Put your tray table down (once in flight), put the airline magazine on it, then put the success kit on top. Shift the items inside around until your phone is balanced for movie watching. This works even better if you have aPopSocketon your phone case. ...