Create an Azure account to get started with scalable and cost-efficient services for creating, deploying, and managing applications.
Create an Azure account to get started with scalable and cost-efficient services for creating, deploying, and managing applications.
Create an Azure account to get started with scalable and cost-efficient services for creating, deploying, and managing applications.
可以从 Azure 资源管理器 API 或门户获取此值。 searchServiceName path True string 要创建或更新的搜索服务的名称。 搜索服务名称必须仅包含小写字母、数字或短划线,不能使用短划线作为前两个字符或最后一个字符,不能包含连续短划线,并且长度必须介于 2 到 60 个字符之间。 搜索服务名称必须全局唯一,因为...
App Service error response. Security azure_auth Azure Active Directory OAuth2 Flow Type: oauth2 Flow: implicit Authorization URL: Scopes Expand table NameDescription user_impersonation impersonate your user account Examples Expand table Clone...
In On Your Way Home, the AzureServiceEventHandler class is the bridge between the application and the Service Bus. Similar to ShoppingList, it also implements IEventHandler, but instead of specific events, AzureServiceEventHandlers can handle them all, as shown in Figure 13. Figure 13 The Azu...
创建Azure 免费帐户后的头 30 天,你有 200 美元的信用额度(按你的计费货币换算),用于第三方市场商品外的任何服务。 可以使用免费信用额度试用不同层和类型的 Azure 服务,获得 Azure 体验。 如果使用的服务或 Azure 资源在这期间不可用,收费会根据你的信用额度相应扣减。
C.UsetheCONFIGoptionofthenet.execommand-linetooltoinstalltheservice. D.Usetheinstallutil.execommand-linetooltoinstalltheservice.查看答案更多“Youdevelopaserviceapplicationthatneedstobedeployed.Yournetworkadministratorcreatesaspecifi”相关的问题 第1题 YouaredesigningaWindowsAzureapplicationthatwilluseaworkerrole...
登录AzureSign in to Azure 在“创建应用服务”对话框中单击“添加帐户”,并登录到 Azure 订阅。In theCreate App Servicedialog, clickAdd an account, and sign in to your Azure subscription.如果已登录,请从下拉列表中选择所需的帐户。If you're already signed in, select the account you want from the...
Notes: You can either use an email address you own as a Microsoft account, or create a new address by choosing "Get a new email address" or "Use your email instead" when you sign up. Microsoft email addresses are not reused, so even if an account was closed a long t...