For more information, seeUsing Windows ACLs to limit SMB file share accessin theAmazon S3 File Gateway User Guide. Valid Values:true|false Type: Boolean Required: No Tags A list of up to 50 tags that can be assigned to the NFS file share. Each tag is a key-value pair. ...
For more information, see Using Windows ACLs to limit SMB file share access in the Amazon S3 File Gateway User Guide. Valid Values: true | false Type: Boolean Required: No Tags A list of up to 50 tags that can be assigned to the NFS file share. Each tag is a key-value pair. ...
To create a share for access by using SMB access protocols.Context of UseThe administrator is setting up a file server or is adding a share to an existing file server.ActorsAdmin tool The admin tool is the primary actor that triggers this use case. The admin tool is a program that ...
Create a Windows SMB file share Create a Linux NFS file share Extend Windows file servers with Azure File Sync Create file shares Mount file shares Data transfer and migration Authentication and authorization Security and networking Data protection Availability and disaster recovery Performance, scale, ...
The name of the security descriptor of the share. Windows Server 2012 and Windows 8:This parameter is not supported before Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows 8.1. CreatedShare[out] An instance of theMSFT_SmbShareclass that represents the share. ... Create Share SMB 项目 2019/02/15 反馈 Goal To create a share for access by using SMB access protocols. Context of Use The administrator is setting up a file server or is adding a share to an existing file server. Actors Admin tool The admin tool is the primary actor that...
FILE_SHARE_DELETE 0x00000004 启用对对象的后续打开操作以请求删除访问权限。 否则,如果其他进程请求删除访问权限,则无法打开该对象。 如果未指定此标志,但对象已被打开以删除访问,则函数将失败。 FILE_SHARE_READ 0x00000001 启用对对象的后续打开操作以请求读取访问权限。
MSFT_SmbWitnessClient 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 打印 项目 2018/05/31 本文内容 Syntax Parameters Requirements See also Creates a new share and allows the creator to specify initial access rights that determine who can and can t access the new...
ShareProtocol String 是 NFS 文件共享协议。取值范围: NFS。 SMB。 RemoteSync Boolean 否 false 文件共享是否打开反向同步。取值范围如下: false(默认):否 true:是 PollingInterval Integer 否 4500 文件共享反向同步时间间隔。取值范围为15~36000。 说明 在复制模式+反向同步启用下载文件数据时,取值范围为3600~36000...
FILE_SHARE_READ 0x00000001 允许对文件或设备执行后续打开操作以请求读取访问权限。 否则,如果进程请求读取访问权限,则其他进程无法打开文件或设备。 如果未指定此标志,但已打开文件或设备进行读取访问,则函数将失败。 如果打开文件或目录,并且未指定此标志,并且调用方没有对文件或目录的写入访问权限,则函数将失败。