{ options.ServiceName = ".NET Joke Service"; }); LoggerProviderOptions.RegisterProviderOptions< EventLogSettings, EventLogLoggerProvider>(builder.Services); builder.Services.AddSingleton<JokeService>(); builder.Services.AddHostedService<WindowsBackgroundService>(); IHost host = builder.Build(); host...
使用BackgroundService创建 Windows 服务 创建服务时,可使用名为“Windows 服务” 的 Visual Studio 项目模板。 通过引用适当的类和命名空间、为服务设置来自基类的继承和替代你可能想要替代的几个方法,此模板自动为你完成了许多工作。 警告 Visual Studio 的速成版中未提供 Windows 服务项目模板。
Use the Windows Service project template to create a service. Set the ServiceName property, create installers, and override the OnStart and OnStop methods.
Create a Windows service usingBackgroundService This article demonstrates how to create a Windows service app in Visual Studio that writes messages to an event log. Create a service To begin, create the project and set the values that are required for the service to function correctly. ...
Create a Windows service usingBackgroundService This article demonstrates how to create a Windows service app in Visual Studio that writes messages to an event log. Create a service To begin, create the project and set the values that are required for the service...
Create a new project for background tasks and add it to your solution. To do this, right-click on your solution and select Add->New Project. Then select the Windows Runtime Component project type, name the project, and click OK.
The following guidelines may be useful when you write a Windows Service: Design your service for use without a user interface. Service applications run outside any particular user context and should not require any user intervention. These applications typically perform tasks in the background. Desig...
The following guidelines may be useful when you write a Windows Service: Design your service for use without a user interface. Service applications run outside any particular user context and should not require any user intervention. These applications typically perform tasks in the background. Desig...
Have you ever had the need of writing a Python script that could run in background as a Windows Service? In this post, you will learn how to do it in less than 10 minutes, no jokes. I will skip all the introduction about Windows Services, how convenient they could be, how much coul...
sc create serviceName binpath= "java.exe -jar D:\..\runJar.jar" Will create windows service if you get timeout use cmd /c D:\JAVA7~1\jdk1.7.0_51\bin\java.exe -jar d:\jenkins\jenkins.war but even with this you'll get timeout but in background java.exe will be started. Check...