如果没有名为“GatewaySubnet”的子网,则无法创建 VPN 网关。 我们建议创建使用 /27(或更大)的网关子网。 例如 /27 或 /26。 有关详细信息,请参阅VPN 网关设置 - 网关子网。 在虚拟网络页面的左侧窗格中,选择“子网”以打开“子网”页面。 在页面顶部,选择“+ 网关子网”以打开“添加子网”窗格。
设置组名称后,使用以下命令将证书上传到 Azure。 PowerShell 复制 Add-AzVpnClientRootCertificate -VpnClientRootCertificateName $P2SRootCertName -VirtualNetworkGatewayname $GWName -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -PublicCertData $CertBase64 Azure 现在可以将此证书识别为受信任的虚拟网络根证...
For more information about Azure Key Vault, see About Azure Key Vault.In the portal, go to your virtual network gateway (VPN gateway). Go to Settings -> Configuration. On the Configuration page, specify the following authentication settings: Enable Key Vault Access: Enabled. Managed Identity:...
Set-AzureVNetGatewayKey-VNetName'Group TestRG1 TestVNet1'` -LocalNetworkSiteName'6C74F6E6_Site2'-SharedKeyabc123 创建连接后,结果为“状态: 成功”。 验证连接 在Azure 门户中,可通过导航到连接来查看经典 VNet VPN 网关的连接状态。 以下步骤演示导航到连接并进行验证的一种方法。
What if you can establish a connection between Azure and AWS using only managed solutions instead to have to use virtual machines? This is exactly what...
s gateway for connecting to on-premises instead of creating a new gateway for connectivity. As you increase your workloads in Azure, you need to scale your networks across regions and VNets to keep up with the growth. Gateway transit allows you to share an ExpressRoute or VPN gateway with ...
Azure Relay BridgeThe Azure Relay Bridge (azbridge) is a simple command line tool that allows creating TCP, UDP, HTTP, and Unix Socket tunnels between any pair of hosts, allowing to traverse NATs and Firewalls without requiring VPNs, only using outbound HTTPS (443) Internet connectivity from ...
If you want to create a point-to-site VPN by using certificates and a VPN client, see Configure a Point-to-Site VPN in the Management Portal.This tutorial assumes you have no prior experience using Windows Azure. It’s meant to help you become familiar with the steps required to create ...
Create virtual machine endpoints on Azure. HTTPS: TCP 443 AdminUI: TCP 943 OpenVPN Server: UDP 1194 Install OpenVPN on Linux and set OpenVPN password. Download: wget-chttp://swupdate.openvpn.org/as/openvpn-as-2.0-Ubuntu13.amd _64.deb ...
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