您必须设置设置AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'myapp.models.User'
create() does not set password even if you pass the password parameter, password will be randomly generated by Django create_user set password if user has to user create(), call set_password(), and obj.save() to save password
Exercise? What is the correct syntax to create a user in the Django Admin interface? py manage.py createsuperuser py manage.py createuser py manage.py userSubmit Answer »❮ Previous Next ❯ Track your progress - it's free! Log in Sign Up ...
(again): Superuser created successfully. $ python manage.py createsuperuser <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x7f7717aed850> (leave blank to use 'bmispelon'): newuser Error: That <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0x1d45ad0> is already taken. <django.utils....
Django's prominent feature is the admin interface, which makes it stand out from the competition. It is a built-in app that automatically generates a user in
Python Django 4.2.5教程:createsuperuser创建管理员账号,创建账号之前得先进行数据迁移,因为必须得先有表然后才能创建用户。
在Django 4 中,可以使用createsuperuser命令来创建超级管理员账号。超级管理员拥有管理后台的所有权限,包括创建、编辑和删除用户、组、权限等操作。 下面是创建超级管理员账号的步骤: 1、执行以下命令创建超级管理员账号: python manage.py createsuperuser
Python Django 4.2.5教程:createsuperuser创建管理员用户 如果没有新增应用,则无需执行makemigrations,直接执行migrate即可。
输入用户名,邮箱,密码即可,创建完成后,点运行,然后在跳转的地址http://localhost:8090/后面追加admin回车,就会跳转到Django的管理登录页,输入我们刚刚创建的用户名和密码,即可登录 登录进去之后,我们会看到认证和授权相关的内容,这是框架提供的,但是,我们自己添加的Hello应用并没有展示出来?