1 Error when trying to create a topic on Apache Kafka 42 Kafka topic creation: Timed out waiting for a node assignment 10 Not able to create kafka topic using docker-compose 2 Running Kafka-Manager inside Docker container on Windows 0 Unable to create Kafka topics with Kafka and Zookee...
However, I get no output from that command, and a piece of software I'm testing, which tries to send a message on the"test"topic, crashes because it finds 0 partitions for the topic. I also have a Ruby program that sends messages to Kafka on topic"test". It fails and retries, and...
kafka topics are not getting created when I run the command:kafka-topics.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --create --topic my-topic --partitions 1 Getting the below error message after a few minutes: Error while executing topic command : Timed out waiting for a node assignment. Call: ...
调用CreateTopic 接口创建 Kafka Topic。 使用说明 此接口用于在指定实例下创建一个 Kafka 的 Topic,用户可使用该 Topic 发布和订阅消息。 说明 实例更配过程中,禁止通过任何方式创建 Topic。创建 Topic 之前,请确认实例状态为运行中(Running)。 调试 API Explorer ...
TopicCommandOptions(new String[]{ "--zookeeper", "dummy", "--create", "--topic", TOPIC_NAME_MULTITHREAD, "--replication-factor", "2", "--partitions", "1"})); String description = "{\n" + " \"type\": \"kafka\",\n" + " \"client.id\": \"kafkasink\",\n" + " \"...
kafka-topics.sh 实际上是调用 kafka.admin.TopicCommand 的方法来创建 topic,其实现如下: //note: 创建 topic def createTopic(zkUtils: ZkUtils, opts: TopicCommandOptions) { val topic = opts.options.valueOf(opts.topicOpt) val configs = parseTopicConfigsToBeAdded(opts) ...
有两个kafka编译器需要不同的scala库,scala 2.10或scala 2.11。如果您从下载站点使用两个tgz中的一...
alikafka:CreateTopic create *Instance acs:alikafka:{#regionId}:{#accountId}:{#InstanceId} 无 无 请求参数 名称类型必填描述示例值 InstanceId string 是 实例ID。 alikafka_pre-cn-mp919o4v*** Topic string 是 Topic 的名称。 预留实例:支持大小写字母、数字、下划线(_)、短划线(-)和英文句号(.),...
Problem Statement: While creating new topics ISR for all the topics getting shrink automatically, even though we created topic it was throwing below errors in kafka server.log. VERSIONS: Kafka version (0.10.0), HDP- No. of Brokers 3 with 16GB JVM Heap. We have tried below steps...
kafka create topic 认证 kafka not authorized to access topics,之前文章写过kafka的鉴权,以及集成ranger插件的配置使用。但真正在用起来后,发现里面有个坑,本文就来聊聊这个坑的情况以及排查过程。【问题现象】kafka在集成了ranger插件实现鉴权功能后,发现过一段时