MintMe is a blockchain crowdfunding platform where patrons also earn on their favorite influencer success. Anyone can create a token that represents themselves or their project. When you create a coin, its value represents the success of your project.
Create your own token in just 1 minute and deploy it on Ethereum, BNB Smart Chain and more! No code, no setup, no login, and free!
api-version=2023-11-01 { "location": "westus", "tags": { "app-name": "My e-commerce app" }, "sku": { "name": "standard" }, "properties": { "replicaCount": 3, "partitionCount": 1, "hostingMode": "default", "semanticSearch": "free" } } 示例响应 状态代码: 200 JSON...
When you create a SAS token, the default duration is 48 hours. After 48 hours, you'll need to create a new token. Consider setting a longer duration period for the time you're using your storage account for Document Intelligence Service operations. The value of the expiry time is determine...
To view the default number of queues per ENI for an instance type, you can call the DescribeInstanceTypes operation and then check the return value of SecondaryEniQueueNumber. 1 ClientToken string No The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. You can use the ...
与相同 ClientToken 的请求参数不符合。 400 OperationDenied Shared snapshots do not support creating images. 共享快照不支持创建自定义镜像。 400 InvalidBootMode.NotSupport The specified parameter BootMode is not supported for current image architecture. 当前的镜像架构不支持设置该启动模式。 400 InvalidParame...
We recommend using one of theDocker credential helpersfor secure storage of passwords. For extra security, you can also use apersonal access tokento sign in instead, which is still encoded in this file (without a Docker credential helper) but doesn't permit administrator actions (such as changi...
ClientToken string 否 客户端 Token,用于保证请求的幂等性。 由客户端生成该参数值,要保证在不同请求间唯一。 说明 若您未指定,则系统自动使用 API 请求的 RequestId 作为ClientToken 标识。每次 API 请求的 RequestId 可能不一样。 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 LocalIpv6GatewayIp string 否 VBR ...
若您未指定,则系统自动使用 API 请求的 RequestId 作为ClientToken 标识。每次 API 请求的 RequestId 可能不一样。 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 LocalIpv6GatewayIp string 否 VBR 实例的阿里云侧互联 IPv6 地址。该属性只允许 VBR 所有者指定或者修改。 为物理专线所有者创建 VBR 实例时必填。 2001...
What is a non-fungible token? A non-fungible token (NFT) is a digital asset with markers that make it unique and, through the use of blockchain technology, ownable by only one person at a time. NFTs can be artwork, collectibles, virtual real estate, or any media file that can be ass...