Sync PDB failed with ORA-959during'CREATE USER <user> IDENTIFIED BY VALUES * DEFAULT TABLESPACE <tablespace> TEMPORARY TABLESPACE <temp_tablespace> . . . container = all'The userisa common user. CHANGES ThenewPDB was createdfromthe PDB$SEED, which did not contain the common user's default t...
Asmallfile tablespaceis a traditional Oracle tablespace, which can contain 1022 data files or temp files, each of which can contain up to approximately 4 million (222) blocks. If you omit this clause, then Oracle Database uses the current default tablespace type of permanent or temporary tablesp...
データベースを自動UNDO管理モードで実行することをお薦めします。詳細は、『Oracle Database管理者ガイド』を参照してください。 構文 create_tablespace::= 図「create_tablespace.gif」の説明 (permanent_tablespace_clause::=、temporary_tablespace_clause::=、undo_tablespace_clause::=を参照) ...
DROP TABLESPACE DROP USER DROP VIEW RENAME TRUNCATE TABLE ALTER SYSTEM MAJOR FREEZE DML DCL DDL 功能 SQL 实践和建议 PL 参考 预留关键字(MySQL 模式) 预留关键字(Oracle 模式) 系统视图 配置项和系统变量 错误码 性能调优 性能测试 数据库代理 驱动 平台产品 组件& 工具 常见问题 版本发布记录 OceanBase 术...
oracle/oradata/newcdb/system01.dbf'SIZE 700M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 10240K MAXSIZE UNLIMITEDSYSAUX DATAFILE '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/newcdb/sysaux01.dbf'SIZE 550M REUSE AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 10240K MAXSIZE UNLIMITEDDEFAULT TEMPORARY TABLESPACE tempTEMPFILE '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/newcdb/temp...
temporary tablespace temp //用户使用的临时表空间 password expire; //密码状态,过期。登陆的时候要求用户修改。 ACCOUNT UNLOCK; grant create session to oracleuse; //赋予create session的权限,这样oracleuse用户就能成功登陆进去 grant create table to oracleuse;// 赋予用户创建表的权限.但是用户此时还不能创建...
alter database default temporary tablespace temp2; c、删除原有的临时表空间以及数据文件 drop tablespace temp including contents and datafiles; d、重新创建临时表空间 create temporary tablespace temp tempfile 'd:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\ncpec\temp01.dbf' size 512m reuse autoextend on next 64...
Rows in temporary tables are private to your session. Only you can view them. And, once you disconnect, the database removes any rows you added.Oracle Database has two types of temporary table: global (GTT) and private (PTT).Global Temporary Tables (GTT)The syntax to create a global...
今天在学习oracle的存储过程时,发现有CREATE global TEMPORARY TABLE temp_lifecycle_id(lifecycle_id int ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS的语句,本身对oracle没有做过深入的研究,趁着今天有点小时间,来将此语句的用法搞搞清楚。 CREATE global TEMPORARY TABLE temp_lifecycle_id(lifecycle_id int ) ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS...