If you omit this clause, then Oracle Database uses the current default tablespace type of permanent or temporary tablespace set for the database. If you specifyBIGFILEfor a permanent tablespace, then the database by default creates a locally managed tablespace with automatic segment-space management...
第一:CREATE TABLESPACE "SAMPLE"创建一个名为"SAMPLE"的表空间. 对表空间的命名,遵守Oracle的命名规范就可了. ORACLE可以创建的表空间有三种类型: (1)TEMPORARY:临时表空间,用于临时数据的存放; 创建临时表空间的语法如下: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE "SAMPLE"... (2)UNDO :还原表空间.用于存入重做日志文件. ...
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Oracle CREATE TABLESPACE statement to create a new tablespace in a database.
grant create session to oracleuse; //赋予create session的权限,这样oracleuse用户就能成功登陆进去 grant create table to oracleuse;// 赋予用户创建表的权限.但是用户此时还不能创建表,因为需要有使用表空间的权限(相当于用户有了进房间的钥匙,但是没有进大门的钥匙。 grant unlimited tablespace to SEINEEBS; /...
Oracle CREATE TABLE statement example The following example shows how to create a new table namedpersonsin theotschema: CREATETABLEot.persons( person_idNUMBERGENERATEDBYDEFAULTASIDENTITY, first_nameVARCHAR2(50)NOTNULL, last_nameVARCHAR2(50)NOTNULL, PRIMARYKEY(person_id) );Code language:SQL (Struc...
When you create a sharded table, you must specify a tablespace set in which to create the table. There is no default tablespace set for sharded tables. See CREATE TABLESPACE SET for more information. Oracle Sharding is based on the Oracle Partitioning feature. Therefore, a sharded table must...
在Oracle中,CREATE TABLESPACE语句用于创建一个新的表空间,表空间是用来存储数据库对象(如表、索引、视图等)的区域。CREATE TABLESPACE语句的基本语法如下:```...
oracle表空间操作CREATETABLESPACE命令 select* fromdba_tables whereOWNER='peter' CREATETABLESPACEdata01 DATAFILE'D:\oracle\ora92\oradata\db\DATA01.dbf'SIZE200M UNIFORMSIZE128k; #指定区尺寸为128k,如不指定,区尺寸默认为64k CREATETEMPORARYTABLESPACEtemp_data TEMPFILE'D:\oracle\ora92\oradata\db\TEMP...
DEFAULT TABLESPACE data01 TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp_data;grant connect,resource,dba to peter; 一、建立表空间 CREATE TABLESPACE data01 DATAFILE '/oracle/oradata/db/DATA01.dbf' SIZE 500M UNIFORM SIZE 128k;#指定区尺寸为128k,如不指定,区尺寸默认为64k ...
Oracle create tablespace语法详解 CREATE [UNDO] TABLESPACE tablespace_name [DATAFILE datefile_spec1 [,datefile_spec2] ... [{MININUM EXTENT integer [k|m] |BLOCKSIZE integer [k] |logging clause | FORCE LOGGING |DEFAULT {data_segment_compression} storage_clause |[online|offlin...