If you have successfully created the table, you can see the table you have created as shown below. Note There are other options or variables available while you create a table, like setting primary or foreign key. But for the sake simplicity, we kept those options out of the scope of thi...
如上图,这样一比较发现差距还挺大的,CREATE TABLE AS复制出来的表,所有约束、注释和序列都没有被拷贝,但数据成功拷贝了,就如同官方文档中的描述,显而易见,这与我们的预期相差甚远,所以就不做过多考虑了,接下来看看第二种复制方式——CREATE TABLE LIKE。 CREATE TABLE LIKE 如题,LIKE不同于CREATE TABLE AS ...
PostgreSQL rowid - sequence 唯一标识 createtabletbl (rowidserial8notnull, c1int, c2int);createuniqueindexidx_tbl_1ontbl(rowid); postgres=#insertintotbl (c1,c2)values(1,2);INSERT01postgres=#insertintotbl (c1,c2)values(1,2);INSERT01postgres=#insertintotbl (c1,c2)values(1,2);INSERT01postgr...
tables1"(arr _text) OWNER TO "postgres"; 如上所示,遍历参数数组,根据数组的值拼接构造表名,同时构造外键名和序列名,在循环的n次中通过EXECUTE关键字执行建表语句实现动态建表,下面调用一下试试,传入一个5个字符串的数组: select f_inittables1('{"021","270","271","070","150"}');...
项目中有表复制的需求,而且是动态复制,即在存储过程里根据参数数组的值循环复制n张结构(约束、索引等)等一致的一组表,PostgreSQL提供了两种语法来进行表复制,分别是:CREATE TABLE AS、CREATE TABLE LIKE。 下面就通过一个例子来看看究竟哪一种更好或者说更符合我们的需求。我们需要复制的是这样一张表: ...
postgres=# 创建表 创建表之前要连接指定的数据库 \c test; CREATETABLEtable_name( column1 datatype, column2 datatype, column3 datatype, ... columnN datatype,PRIMARYKEY(oneormore columns ) ); 写法1: test=#createtablecompany(idintprimarykeynotnull, name textnotnull, ageintnotnull,address...
postgres=# drop database testdb; DROP DATABASE postgres=# 1. 2. 3. 4. 创建表 创建表之前要连接指定的数据库 \c test; CREATE TABLE table_name( column1 datatype, column2 datatype, column3 datatype, ... columnN datatype, PRIMARY KEY( one or more columns ) );...
public | pg_equipment_equip_id_seq | sequence | postgres_user (2 rows) The table is listed, as well as the sequence created by the "equip_id" serial data type declaration. How to Change Table Data in PostgreSQL We can change the definition of our tables with the following ...
TheROWIDSoption for a table includevalueequals toTRUE/ON/1orFALSE/OFF/0. When set toTRUE/ON/1, aROWIDcolumn is created in the new table.ROWIDis an auto-incrementing value based on a sequence that starts with1and assigned to each row of a table. If a value is not specified then the...