CREATE TABLE public.new_table AS TABLE public.src_table WITH NO DATA; 场景4:复制新表并同步select查询的数据。 CREATE TABLE public.new_table_2 AS SELECT * FROM public.src_table WHERE a = 1 ; 从分区父表或者子表复制出一张新的非分区表,分区表只能复制成非分区表。 准备一张分区表、分区子表...
Tables are created with no data unless a subquery is specified. You can add rows to a table with the INSERT statement. After creating a table, you can define additional columns, partitions, and integrity constraints with the ADD clause of the ALTER TABLE statement. You can change the definiti...
The CREATE TABLE statement defines a table at the current server. The definition must include its name and the names and attributes of its columns. The definition may include other attributes of the table such as primary key.
CREATE[UNLOGGED]TABLEtable_name[(column_name[,...])][WITH({storage_parameter=value}[,...])][COMPRESS|NOCOMPRESS][DISTRIBUTEBY{REPLICATION|ROUNDROBIN|{[HASH](column_name)}}][COMMENT[=]'text']ASquery[WITH[NO]DATA]; 参数说明 UNLOGGED ...
当一个类型化的表被创建时,列的数据类型由底层的组合类型决定而没有在CREATE TABLE命令中直接指定。但是CREATE TABLE命令可以对表增加默认值和约束,并且可以指定存储参数。 column_name列的名称会在新表中被建立. data_type列的数据类型. 这可以包括数组规格。 COLLATE collationCOLLATE子句为该列(必须是一种可排序数...
A system data type. An alias type based on a SQL Server system data type. Alias data types are created with the CREATE TYPE statement before they can be used in a table definition. The NULL or NOT NULL assignment for an alias data type can be overridden during the CREATE TABLE statement...
[ WITH ( <table_option> [ ,... n ] ) ] [ ; ] <column_definition> ::= column_name <data_type> [ FILESTREAM ] [ COLLATE collation_name ] [ SPARSE ] [ MASKED WITH ( FUNCTION = 'mask_function' ) ] [ [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] DEFAULT constant_expression ] [ IDENTITY [ (...
[ WITH ( <table_option> [ ,... n ] ) ] [ ; ] <column_definition> ::= column_name <data_type> [ FILESTREAM ] [ COLLATE collation_name ] [ SPARSE ] [ MASKED WITH ( FUNCTION = 'mask_function' ) ] [ [ CONSTRAINT constraint_name ] DEFAULT constant_expression ] [ IDENTITY [ (...
CREATE TABLE 语句 CREATE TABLE 语句定义表。 该定义必须包含表的名称及其列的名称和属性。 该定义可以包含表的其他属性,例如,其主键或检查约束。 要创建已创建的临时表,请使用 CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE 语句。 要声明已声明的临时表,请使用 DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE 语句。