Is the name of a column in the table. Column names must follow the rules foridentifiersand must be unique in the table. column_name can be up to 128 characters. column_name can be omitted for columns that are created with a timestamp data type. If column_name is not specified, the n...
table_name | schema_name.table_name | table_name } ( { <column_definition> } [ ,... n ] ) [ ; ] 完整語法 磁碟型 CREATE TABLE 語法: syntaxsql 複製 CREATE TABLE { database_name.schema_name.table_name | schema_name.table_name | table_name } [ AS...
Simple CREATE TABLE syntax (common if not using options): syntaxsql Copy CREATE TABLE { database_name.schema_name.table_name | schema_name.table_name | table_name } ( { <column_definition> } [ ,... n ] ) [ ; ] Full syntax Disk-based CREATE TABLE syntax: syntaxsql Copy CREATE...
("Northwind.mdb")' Create a table with three fields and a unique' index made up of all three fields.dbs.Execute"CREATE TABLE MyTable "_ &"(FirstName CHAR, LastName CHAR, "_ &"DateOfBirth DATETIME, "_ &"CONSTRAINT MyTableConstraint UNIQUE "_ &"(FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth));...
OID-column-definition REF IS OID-column-name USER GENERATED With-options column-name WITH OPTIONS Column-options As-result-table (,column-name) AS ( fullselect ) WITH NO DATAWITH DATA Materialized-query-definition (,column-name) AS ( fullselect ) refreshable-table-options Copy-options ● ...
Create a table with constraints Now, let us understand how we can create a table with a constraint. A table can have the following constraints. NOT NULL: This constraint ensures that a query does not insert a NULL value in a column on which the constraint has been created. ...
要创建已创建的临时表,请使用 CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE 语句。 要声明已声明的临时表,请使用 DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE 语句。 调用 此语句可以嵌入在应用程序中,也可通过动态 SQL 语句来发出。 它是一个可执行语句,仅当 DYNAMICRULES 运行行为对于程序包有效时才能动态编译 (SQLSTATE 42509)。
Also, the owner of the schema to contain the table must have either space quota on the tablespace to contain the table or the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privilege. In addition to these table privileges, to create an object table or a relational table with an object type column, the owner...
Use CREATE TABLE ... LIKE to create an empty table based on the definition of another table, including any column attributes and indexes defined in the original table: CREATE TABLE new_tbl LIKE orig_tbl; For more information, see Section, “CREATE TABLE ... LIKE Statement”. ...
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index1 ON schema1.table1 (column1 DESC, column2 ASC, column3 DESC); 主要方案:从SQL Server 2016 (13.x) 和 SQL 数据库开始,可针对列存储索引使用非聚集索引来提高数据仓库查询性能。 有关详细信息,请参阅列存储索引 - 数据仓库。有...