下面,我将详细介绍怎样通过“create table as partitioned by select”来创建分区表。 步骤一: 在Impala终端或者Hue中执行如下代码: create table mytable as select * from mytable_source; 此语句将创建一个名为mytable的表,并从mytable_source中拷贝所有的数据到这个新表中。但是这个新的mytable表并没有分区...
例子:createtemporarytablemy.table1;createexternaltablemy.table2;createtabel ifnotexistsmy.table3;-- (Note:TEMPORARY available in Hive 0.14.0 and later)CREATE[TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL]TABLE[IFNOTEXISTS] [db_name.]table_name--定义列, 比如 id Int comment '索引', name string comment '名字'[(col_...
Partitioned tables can contain complex type columns. All the partition key columns must be scalar types. Internal and external tables (EXTERNAL and LOCATION clauses): By default, Impala creates an"internal"table, where Impala manages the underlying data files for the table, and physically deletes...
例子:createtemporarytablemy.table1;createexternaltablemy.table2;createtabel ifnotexistsmy.table3;-- (Note:TEMPORARY available in Hive 0.14.0 and later)CREATE[TEMPORARY] [EXTERNAL]TABLE[IFNOTEXISTS] [db_name.]table_name--定义列, 比如 id Int comment '索引', name string comment '名字'[(col_...
PARTITIONED BY (year int,month int,day int)ROW FORMAT DELIMITEDFIELDS TERMINATED BY '\u0001'STORED AS RCFILELOCATION 'hdfs://nameservice1/compliance/compliancehadoop/data/stage/rtra/STAGE_RTRA_TRANSACTION_EXT/'; while running in beeline im getting the below error. Error: Error ...
While creating kudu table i am facing below syntax problem i am currently using impala version:impalad version 2.3.0-cdh5.5.1 RELEASE > CREATE TABLE foo1 (> id INT PRIMARY KEY,> col1 STRING,> col2 STRING> )> PARTITION BY HASH(id) PARTITIONS 3> STORED AS KUDU;Query: create TABLE foo...
CREATE [EXTERNAL] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] table_name [(col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] ---指定表的名称和表的具体列信息。 [COMMENT table_comment] ---表的描述信息。 [PARTITIONED BY (col_name data_type [COMMENT col_comment], ...)] ---表的分区信息。 [...
presto create table presto create table as Presto基本概念 Presto是Facebook开源的MPP SQL引擎,旨在填补Hive在速度和灵活性(对接多种数据源)上的不足。相似的SQL on Hadoop竞品还有Impala和Spark SQL等。这里我们介绍下Presto的基本概念,为后续的笔记做基础。
ImpalaObjectDataset ImpalaSource ImportSettings InformixLinkedService InformixSink InformixSource InformixTableDataset IntegrationRuntime IntegrationRuntimeComputeProperties IntegrationRuntimeCustomSetupScriptProperties IntegrationRuntimeDataFlowProperties IntegrationRuntimeDataProxyProperties IntegrationRuntime...
[ { "Type": "CUSTOM_JAR"|"STREAMING"|"HIVE"|"PIG"|"IMPALA", "Name": "string", "ActionOnFailure": "TERMINATE_CLUSTER"|"CANCEL_AND_WAIT"|"CONTINUE", "Jar": "string", "Args": ["string", ...], "MainClass": "string", "Properties": "string" } ... ] --additional-info (st...