以下是CREATE SCHEMA语句的基本语法: CREATE SCHEMA schema_name [AUTHORIZATION role_name] [schema_element [, ...]]; schema_element can be: [CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX [CONCURRENTLY] [index_name] ON table_name (column_name [ASC | DESC] [NULLS {FIRST | LAST}], ...)] | [table_name [(...
psql-U postgres It’ll prompt you for a password for thepostgresuser. Second, change the current database tosuppliers: \c suppliers Third,show tablesin thesuppliersdatabase using the\dtcommand: \dt Output: List of relationsSchema|Name|Type|Owner---+---+---+---public|part_drawings|table|...
public | pg_equipment | table | postgres_user public | pg_equipment_equip_id_seq | sequence | postgres_user (2 rows) The table is listed, as well as the sequence created by the "equip_id" serial data type declaration. How to Change Table Data in PostgreSQL We can change ...
testdb=>CREATETABLEt(idint)tablespaceapp_tbs;CREATETABLEtestdb=>SELECT*FROMpg_tablesWHEREtablename='t';schemaname|tablename|tableowner|tablespace|hasindexes|hasrules|hastriggers|rowsecurity---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---public|t|tony|app_tbs|f|f|f|f(1row) PostgreSQL 支持在CREATE...
Follow the below-given procedure to create a table inPostgreSQLusingpgAdmin (manually): Step 1: Select the Database Firstly, open thepgAdminand select the desired database: Choose the database where you want a table to be created. Step 2: Select the Schema ...
查看架构(schema)模式 \d 查看架构模式 \d tablename 查看表格信息 删除表 连接到对应的数据库 \c test; test-# \c test; 您现在已经连接到数据库 "test",用户 "postgres". test-# 1. 2. 3. drop table company; test=# drop table company; ...
SQL的话,可以参考:withtas(selectschema_name,table_name,string_agg(column_name||' '||column_...
CREATETABLE[IFNOTEXISTS]table_name(column1datatype(length)column_constraint,column2datatype(length)column_constraint,...table_constraints); In this syntax: First, specify the name of the table that you want to create after theCREATE TABLEkeywords. The table name must be unique in aschema. If...
-s, --schema-only 只转储模式, 不包括数据 -S, --superuser=NAME 在转储中, 指定的超级用户名 -t, --table=TABLE 只转储指定名称的表 -T, --exclude-table=TABLE 只转储指定名称的表 -x, --no-privileges 不要转储权限 (grant/revoke)