ABAP Development, Beginner, SAP BTP, ABAP environment, SAP NetWeaver, Tutorial, SAP Business Technology Platform Create a database table from scratch using the ABAP Development Tools (ADT); use different Data Dictionary objects to define the fields; then fill the table with test data. ...
SAP表维护工具来维护自定义表&视图簇的使用 一、通过表维护工具维护自定义表 1.SE11创建表 2.se11界面的菜单:实用程序-》Table Maintenance Generator其实这里就是调用SE54 3.sm30 调用维护好的视图,或者 se93创建tcode 事务输入sm30。或者通过call function 'VIEW_MAINTENANCE_CALL' 创建程序来调用。 上面说...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello, Is there a way to create temporary tables in ABAP? Here is our scenario: 1. Invoke a custom RFC that creates a temporary table and returns the name of the table. 2. Invoke another custom RFC and pass this table name as parameter. This RFC ...
REPORT zlm_pr_create. DATA: pr_item LIKE TABLE OF bapiebanc WITH HEADER LINE, pr_account LIKE TABLE OF bapiebkn WITH HEADER LINE, pr_item_id LIKE TABLE OF bapiebantx WITH HEADER LINE, pr_return LIKE TABLE OF bapireturn WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: l_return LIKE pr_return. DATA: extensio...
【第四篇】SAP ABAP7.50 之CREATE DATA 创建内部表和类型i的数据对象。 数据对象在使用之前直接创建,然后由引用变量初始化并传递给收集器。 通过解除引用数据引用来访问数据对象。 如果未指定任何TYPE或LIKE,则必须完全键入数据引用变量dref。 然后使用数据引用变量的静态数据类型创建数据对象。
Redefine the POST method to get data outside SAP. ZCL_API_TEST Post Redefinition Code Snippet: METHODif_rest_resource~post.DATA:lr_dataTYPEREFTOdata.FIELD-SYMBOLS:<lt_table>TYPESTANDARDTABLE.TYPES:BEGINOFty_workarea,name(50),city(50),region(20),pin(6).TYPES:ENDOFty_workarea.DATA:wa_data...
The name primary_key and the addition COMPONENTS cannot be specified explicitly in the definition of the primary key.Runtime type creation should be used instead to create dynamic table types with secondary keys. The same applies when creating an empty table key dynamically, since the internal ...
原文出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/SAPmatinal/ 原文地址:SAP ABAP7.5x系列之CREATE DATA&INTERFACE 回到顶部 前言部分 这一篇介绍两个知识点: 一个是在ABAP7.50以上版本中,使用CREATE DATA。 另一个是介绍ABAP7.50的INTERFACE。 希望读者看完这篇文章之后,对这两个概念不再陌生,知道如何使用及其使用原理。 回到顶...
Overview:-Many of time we need to create Header and Item table with foreign key relationship on ABAP Could so might be this scenario will help to create relationship. Business Scenario:-Creating two table first as Header and second as Item table in Eclipse. ...
In ABAP 740, we have newVALUE operatorto create the table entries. This VALUE operator works similarly to theNEW Operator to create the ITAB entries. Using the VALUE operator, the itab would be initialized and records would be inserted in the variable on the left side. Something like this...