这主要是由于PLSQL跟数据库的紧密结合特性所决定的,数据库的表可以很轻易得实现基本的数组功能。当然这是我个人的一点理解,不一定正确。下面是详细介绍 1、PLSQL中的数组共分三类: I - 嵌套表(Nested tables) TYPE nested_type IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2 ( 30 ) [not null]; -- 值为 varchar2 的数组,下标为...
insert into testTable(name,age,createTime) values('testname',11,'2019-4-4') 五、查看表 select * from testTable -- 如果有数据就对了!!!
The Oracle CREATE TABLE statement allows you to create and define a table. Syntax The syntax for the CREATE TABLE statement in Oracle/PLSQL is: CREATE TABLE table_name ( column1 datatype [ NULL | NOT NULL ], column2 datatype [ NULL | NOT NULL ], ... column_n datatype [ NULL | ...
The syntax for the CREATE TABLE AS statement that copies columns from multiple tables in Oracle/PLSQL is: CREATE TABLE new_table AS (SELECT column_1, column2, ... column_n FROM old_table_1, old_table_2, ... old_table_n);
SQL Copy 6. Truncate Statement The following syntax for the TRUNCATE TABLE statement in Oracle/PLSQL . In the following example, we will truncate the employee table TRUNCATE TABLE EMPLOYEE; SQL Copy In the Oracle database, truncating the table is a fast way to clear out records from ...
PLSQL问题:table 一个TYPE的定义:create or replace type FND_TABLE_OF_VARCHAR2_4000 as table of varchar2(100)我想知道这个类型到底是什么,table 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 这个类型是VARCHAR2类型的索引表,你可以拿这个类型定义一个变量,可以作为集合使用,类似数组. table of 没什么意思, 应该分开来看...
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON / CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE emp_arr_typ IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(10) / DECLARE emp_arr emp_arr_typ; CURSOR emp_cur IS SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE ROWNUM <= 10; i INTEGER := 0; BEGIN FOR r_emp IN emp_cur LOOP i := i + 1; emp_arr(i) := r_emp.ename; END...
CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE emp_arr_typ IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(10) / DECLARE emp_arr emp_arr_typ; CURSOR emp_cur IS SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE ROWNUM <= 10; i INTEGER := 0; BEGIN FOR r_emp IN emp_cur LOOP i := i + 1;
Write a program in PL/SQL to create a table-based record using the %ROWTYPE attribute.Sample Solution:Table: employeesemployee_id integer first_name varchar(25) last_name varchar(25) email archar(25) phone_number varchar(15) hire_date date job_id varchar(25) salary integer commission_pct ...
into v_cnt from user_tables where table_name = upper(TAB_NAME_IN); ...