DO$$BEGINCREATETABLEIFNOTEXISTStest_info( test_idINTPRIMARYKEY, std_nameTEXT, scoreINT); RAISE NOTICE 'Welcome to';END$$; This time a notice is raised indicating that the relation to be created already exists in the database. Postgres skips the “CREATE TABLE” statement ...
create table if not EXISTS student( #如果不存在,则创建表 `id` int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '学号', sname varchar(25) not null COMMENT '姓名', age int UNSIGNED null COMMENT '年龄', sex set('男','女') not null COMMENT '性别' , UNIQUE(id, sname),index(id)); 1. 2. 3...
createtableifnotexistsdb_name.test_tb(id string, name string, age string, province string, score string)partitioned by (str_date string)row format delimited fields terminatedby'\1' --db_name:为数据库名称 -- partitioned by (str_date string):设置分区字段 2.追加插入记录:insert into insertint...
我们先尝试创建这个表格: CREATETABLEstudent(idINT,name STRING,scoreINT) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 如果我们运行上述代码时,student表格已经存在,则Hive会抛出一个错误。为了避免这种情况,我们可以使用IF NOT EXISTS语句。以下是使用IF NOT EXISTS语句创建表格的示例代码: CREATETABLEIFNOTEXISTSstudent(idINT,name STRING...
| create table if not exists hive_prod.default.test(id int,name string,age int) using iceberg """.stripMargin) 注意:1)创建表时,表名称为:${catalog名称}.${Hive中库名}.${创建的Iceberg格式表名}2)表创建之后,可以在Hive中查询到对应的test表,创建的是Hive外表,在对应的Hivewarehouse 目录下可以看...
CREATE [OR REPLACE] [TEMPORARY] FUNCTION [IF NOT EXISTS] function_name ( [ function_parameter [, ...] ] ) { [ RETURNS data_type ] | RETURNS TABLE [ ( column_spec [, ...]) ] } [ characteristic [...] ] { AS dollar_quoted_string | RETURN { expression | query }...
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS football_players( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, /* Unique identifier for each player (it's possible multiple players have the same name/similiar information) */ name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, /* The player's first & last na...
If a definition for the table exists and table-name is not a system object name, table-name can be changed to provide a new name for the table. This option is ignored if a definition for the table does not exist at the current server. table-name Names the table. The name, including...
rxDataStep(inData = inTextData, sqlScoreDS, overwrite = TRUE) The inData argument defines the data source to use. The outFile argument specifies the table in SQL Server where you want to save the data. If the table already exists and you don't use the overwrite option, results are ins...
Here are a few things you should know if you’re upgrading to the latest release, and have existing case creation rules for email and social activity.Expand table Existing rules prior to upgradeWhat happens to the rules after upgrade? A rule that has rule items with conditions and...