在PostgreSQL 中,CREATE TABLE语句用于创建一个新的表。表是数据库的基本构建块,用于存储数据。通过定义表结构,可以组织和管理数据的存储方式。本文将详细介绍在 PostgreSQL 中如何使用CREATE TABLE语句,包括其基本语法、各种数据类型、约束条件、表的选项以及常见操作示例。 1. 基本语法 在PostgreSQL 中,CREATE TABLE的...
CREATETABLEmy_table(idSERIALPRIMARYKEY,nameVARCHAR(100))TABLESPACEmy_tablespace; 5. 示例 5.1 创建简单表 创建一个包含员工信息的简单表: CREATETABLEemployees(emp_idSERIALPRIMARYKEY,first_nameVARCHAR(50)NOTNULL,last_nameVARCHAR(50)NOTNULL,hire_dateDATEDEFAULTCURRENT_DATE,salaryNUMERIC(10,2)CHECK(salary>...
If you have successfully created the table, you can see the table you have created as shown below. Note There are other options or variables available while you create a table, like setting primary or foreign key. But for the sake simplicity, we kept those options out of the scope of thi...
CREATE TABLEwill create a new, initially empty table in the current database. The table will be owned by the user issuing the command. If a schema name is given (for example,CREATE TABLE myschema.mytable ...) then the table is created in the specified schema. Otherwise it is created i...
Get my SQL Cheat Sheets for Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, and Postgres Create Table Primary Key Syntax You can specify a primary key on a table when you create in two ways: Next to the column data type when you declare it on the same line (an inline constraint) ...
直观起见我们依旧通过举例说明,下面通过CREATE TABLE LIKE来完成复制:create table t_key_event_file_student_101 (like t_key_event_file_student); 复制成功后再看一下表结构的DDL语句和数据: 如上图,同CREATE TABLE AS不同的是这次复制成功拷贝了所有NOT-NULL约束,并且没有拷贝表数据,这也...
postgres=# 创建表 创建表之前要连接指定的数据库 \c test; CREATETABLEtable_name( column1 datatype, column2 datatype, column3 datatype, ... columnN datatype,PRIMARYKEY(oneormore columns ) ); 写法1: test=#createtablecompany(idintprimarykeynotnull, name textnotnull, ageintnotnull,address...
WITH error_table_name 数据导入过程中出现的数据格式错误信息将被写入error_table_name指定的错误信息表中,可以在并行导入结束后查询此错误信息表,获取详细的错误信息。此参数只在设置了reject_limit参数时有效。 如果为了兼容postgres开源接口,此语法建议用LOG INTO代替。该参数指定时错误表自动创建。 取值范围:字符串...
一、CREATE TABLE — 创建一个新表 CREATE [ TEMPORARY | TEMP ] TABLE table (column type [ NULL | NOT NULL ] [ UNIQUE ] [ DEFAULT value ][column_constraint_clause | PRIMARY KEY } [ ... ] ][, ... ][, PRIMARY KEY ( column [, ...] ) ][, CHECK ( condition ) ][...
python create_table.py 3) Verify the table creation First, open the Command Prompt on Windows or Terminal on Unix-like systems and connect to the PostgreSQL server using thepsqlclient tool. psql-U postgres It’ll prompt you for a password for thepostgresuser. ...