createtabletmp_001( month_id numeric(8), serv_id numeric(30), cust_id numeric(30) )with( appendonly=true, compresslevel=5, orientation=column, compresstype=zlib, oids=false )distributedby(month_id,serv_id) 1.分布键(哈希键) distributed by (a) 指定a字段为分布键 distributer randomly 随机分...
table_attribute(分布键) table_attribute决定了表的类型是普通表还是复制表。 DISTRIBUTED BY HASH,定义表为普通表。普通表能够充分利用分布式系统的查询优势,提高查询效率。普通表可存储的数据量较大,通常可以存储千万条甚至千亿条数据。 DISTRIBUTED BY BROADCAST,定义表为复制表。复制表会在集群的每个分片存储一份数据...
==>CREATE TABLE rank (id int, rank int, year int, gender char(1), count int) DISTRIBUTED BY (id) PARTITION BY RANGE (year) ( START (2001) END (2008) EVERY (1), DEFAULT PARTITION extra ); [列表分区] ==>CREATE TABLE rank (id int, rank int, year int, gender char(1), count ...
DISTRIBUTED BY BROADCAST: specifies the table as a replicated table. A replicated table stores a data replica on each shard of the AnalyticDB for MySQL cluster to which the table belongs. We recommend that you store up to 20,000 rows in each replicated table. ...
Greenplum create table create table sanguozhi (id bigint, name varchar(32), country varchar(8), url varchar(128), ip varchar(16), uuid varchar(36), agent varchar(128), detail varchar(512), birthday date) WITH (appendonly=true) distributed by (id) partition by range(birthday) (START('...
CREATE TABLE功能描述 在当前数据库中创建一个新的空白表,该表由命令执行者所有。 注意事项 若对非分布键添加主键约束或唯一约束,将默认建立全局二级索引。 分布方式默认取值为HASH(column_name),column_name取表的主键列或唯一约束列(如果有的话)或首个数据类型支持作为分布列的列,优先级别:主键列>唯一约束列>首...
U-SQL allows a managed table to be created by specifying a schema. The table will have to have a clustered index specified in order to be able to contain data and the table will be partitioned. 备注 AllmanagedU-SQL tables are currently clustered tables where the cluster in...
在Doris 中,数据以表(Table)的形式进行逻辑上的描述。 创建一张合格的表,主要考虑以下几个方面: 字段 索引 引擎 模型 分区 分桶 属性 1、Doris中的引擎 olap mysql broker Hive 2、Doris中的三大模型: Aggregate Uniq Duplicate 3、Doris中分区类型
example_table ( k1 TINYINT, k2 DECIMAL(10, 2) DEFAULT "10.5", v1 HLL HLL_UNION, v2 BITMAP BITMAP_UNION ) ENGINE=olap AGGREGATE KEY(k1, k2) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH(k1) BUCKETS 32 创建两张同一个 Colocation Group 自维护的表。 CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) COMMENT "", value varchar(...
CREATE TABLE new_customer ( PRIMARY KEY (customer_id,login_time)) DISTRIBUTED BY HASH (customer_id) AS SELECT customer_id, login_time FROM customer; 示例4 从customer表读取customer_id、login_time列的数据,并将数据写入新表new_customer。定义新表customer_id、login_time为主键,customer_id为分布键,...