The SQL CREATE TABLE command is used to create a database table. It can be used to create different types of database tables, such astemporary tables. However, in this article, I’ll only cover the regular database table. SQL Create Table Syntax The syntax for the SQL create table state...
General syntax for the create table command: CREATE[TEMPORARY| TEMP ]TABLE[IFNOTEXISTS] <table> ( <col> <type> [<col_constraint>][,<col> <type> [<col_constraint>]…] [<table_constraint>[,<table_constraint>… ] ) [DISTRIBUTEON{ RANDOM | [HASH] (<col>[,<col>…]) } ] [ ORGANI...
The SQL command CREATE TABLE is used to create a new table in the database. author_copy is the name of the new table being created. LIKE author specifies that the new table's structure should be identical to the existing table named 'author'. MySQL CREATE TABLE with SELECT or copy a t...
TheCREATE TABLEsyntax uses commas to separate certainCREATE TABLEoptions. You must place the NULL, NOT NULL, CHECK, DEFAULT, PRIMARY KEY, and UNIQUE clauses within the parentheses containing the column definitions. If you omit NULL and NOT NULL, the current setting of theSET NULLcommand determin...
The syntax to create one is:Copy code snippet Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy Copied to Clipboard Error: Could not Copy create blockchain table blockchain_tab ( audit_id integer not null primary key, audit_timestamp timestamp not null, audit_data clob not null ) no drop until...
Syntax syntaxsqlCopy -- Create a new table.CREATETABLE{database_name.schema_name.table_name|schema_name.table_name|table_name} ( {column_name<data_type>[<column_options>] } [ ,...n ] ) [WITH(<table_option>[ ,...n ] ) ] [;]<column_options>::=[COLLATEWindows_collation_name] ...
Syntax CREATEOR REPLACETABLEtable-name FOR SYSTEM NAMEsystem-object-identifier (,column-definitionperiod-definitionLIKEtable-nameview-namecopy-optionsunique-constraintreferential-constraintcheck-constraint)LIKEtable-nameview-namecopy-optionsas-result-tablecopy-optionsmaterialized-query-definitionNOT LOGGED INITIALLY...
JSON Syntax: [{"Key":"string","Value":"string"}...] --magnetic-store-write-properties(structure) Contains properties to set on the table when enabling magnetic store writes. EnableMagneticStoreWrites -> (boolean) A flag to enable magnetic store writes. ...
Syntax create_table::= Description of the illustration create_table.eps (relational_table::=, object_table::=, XMLType_table::=) relational_table::= Description of the illustration relational_table.eps Note: Each of the clauses following the table name is optional for any given relation...
DROPTABLEIFEXISTS<tableName>;-- If the destination table exists, drop it firstCREATETABLE<tableName>...;-- Create a table Note Limits: You cannot use CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE together with the following syntaxes: CREATE TABLE ... IF NOT EXISTS. ...