Create a new website (or, if you already have created the website you want to use with Gitlab in Publii, open that instead) and click on theServersection in the sidebar menu to open the server settings page: Enter the domain name for your Gitlab Pages repository. The domain is generat...
Ever wanted to have a personal landing page to serve as a hub for all your online identities and not be tied to any service provider? Use to create a simple, beautiful and effective static HTML landing site that you can host wherever you want! ... or we can host it...
$pagetitle$: the page title as defined inindex.yaml $root$: the path to the website's root, relative to the page being rendered. So, for example, if we are renderingrooms/room503.html,$root$will have the value../. Put$root$in front of relative URLs in your layout file, so that...
Static websites don’t need to process dynamic pages, eliminating roundtrips, which saves you page load time. What happens is you get fasterpage load speeds, which is always welcome, especially when Google rewards faster websites. Plus, faster pages improve user experience (UX), translating into...
From this menu, you can also create multiple web pages for your site. You can remove others from the template if your static site uses the one-page website design.Note that your template may have interactive elements like a subscription form. Since static sites generally don’t have them, ... How It Works Get basic information from Q&A Optionally, read your package.json and Generate a static web app into the output directory ...
Create Your Website's HomepageTable of Contents Create the Basic Page Set your New Page as HomepageFor the purpose of this tutorial, we will create a static page and set it as a homepage. You can style it the way you want, add different modules to it later on, but the foundation ...
On the Overview page, make a note of your static web app's URL. You need that in the next section when you set the Azure Function's CORS setting. The creation process creates a GitHub yaml workflow file in your forked GitHub repository. Pull that change do...
So, that basically was all you need to create a static front page (including optional archive / blog page) in WordPress. After you've carefully completed the above 3-4 steps to create and set your static front page, you have accomplished the basic configuration of your website which is es...
On theOverviewpage, make a note of your static web app's URL. You need that in the next section when you set the Azure Function's CORS setting. The creation process creates a GitHub yaml workflow file in your forked GitHub repository. Pull that change down with the following command:...