“导入数据”这一节 环境中并没有 /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql/create.sql.gz 文件“导入数据”这一节 环境中并没有 /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql/create.sql.gz 文件 6187查看蛰伏 L17 + 关注Ta 2019-11-14 21:32 来自: Zabbix 监控平台搭建 error: No such file or directory #课程...
zabbix 5.0 自带的create.sql.gz下载地址,mysql5.7,导入数据库命令zcat create.sql.gz |mysql -uxxx -pxxx zabbix
步骤2: 解压缩 “create.sql.gz” 文件 gzip-dcreate.sql.gz 1. 这行代码将会解压缩 “create.sql.gz” 文件。解压缩后的文件名为 “create.sql”。 步骤3: 将“create.sql” 导入到数据库 mysql-uusername-pdatabase_name<create.sql 1. 这行代码将会将 “create.sql” 导入到指定的数据库。你需要将...
SQL 複製 CREATE EXTERNAL FILE FORMAT textdelimited1 WITH ( FORMAT_TYPE = DELIMITEDTEXT, FORMAT_OPTIONS ( FIELD_TERMINATOR = '|', DATE_FORMAT = 'MM/dd/yyyy' ), DATA_COMPRESSION = 'org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.GzipCodec' ); B. 建立...
\"failed to create containerd task: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to create new parent process: namespace path: lstat /proc/4173144/ns/ipc: no such file or directory: unknown\"" pod="kube-system/etcd-<hostname>" podUID=7296d373cca5...
仅Azure Synapse Analytics 中的无服务器 SQL 池支持PARSER_VERSION。 无服务器 SQL 池不支持DATE_FORMAT选项。 DATA_COMPRESSION =data_compression_method 为外部数据指定数据压缩方法。 未指定 DATA_COMPRESSION 时,默认值是未压缩的数据。 若要正常工作,Gzip 压缩的文件必须具有“.gz”文件扩展名。
> CC: 'pgsql-general@postgresql.org' > Onderwerp: RE: could not create lock file postmaster.pid: No such file or > directory, but file does exist > > Rob Goethals wrote: > > OK, clear. I hereby send this reply also to the list. ...
The vehicle.csv file is contained in the vehicle.csv.gz file and has the same content as the vehicle.csv file in the Demo1/ directory. The vehicle.csv file is used to create a mapping between the Demo3/ directory and the OSS external table whose data is compressed. The vehicle6.csv ...
To use MaxCompute resources in your code or functions, you must create MaxCompute resources in a workspace or upload existing resources to the workspace before you reference the resources. You can run MaxCompute SQL commands to upload resources. You can also create resources or upload existing resou...