In this post, we will learn how to create a Maven-based Scala project using IntelliJ IDEA from scratch. Spark is an open-source unified general-purpose Big Data Processing Framework that is written in Scala programming language. Apache Spark is a multi-language data processing engine that suppor...
I am trying to create aSparkSessionso I can useimplicits._, but I get errors when running a simple app. My build.sbt file looks like this: name :="Reddit-Data-Analyser"version :="0.1"scalaVersion :="2.11.12"fork :=truelibraryDependencies +="org.mongodb.scala"%%"mongo-scala...
Name the new project and change its location if necessary. Select theCreate Git repositorycheckbox to place the new project under version control. You will be able to do it later at any time. Select the build system that you want to use in your project: the native IntelliJ builder,Maven,...
Name the new project and change its location if necessary. Select theCreate Git repositorycheckbox to place the new project under version control. You will be able to do it later at any time. Select the build system that you want to use in your project: the native IntelliJ builder,Maven,...
In the New HDInsight Scala Project dialog box, provide the following values, and then select Next: Enter a name for the project. In the JRE area, make sure that Use an execution environment JRE is set to JavaSE-1.7 or later. In the Spark Library area, you can choose Use Maven to co...
Nasher - A Spring Project with spring security support with angular admin panel. License: Apache 2 , . Baasbox BaasBox is an Open Source project that aims to provide a backend for mobile and web apps. License: ?, . Kolorobot Spring MVC 4 Quickstart Maven Archetype— The project is a Ma...
Note:In order to ensure the execution of this project, please add the Scala plugin and library as well to the interface. In order to setup Scala in Intellij community edition, please follow the stepshere Maven Project Structure Let’s take some time here to understand the project structure th...
Select the build system that you want to use in your project: the native IntelliJ builder, Maven, or Gradle. For Gradle, you will also need to select a language for the build script: Groovy or Kotlin. From the JDK list, select the JDK that you want to use in your project. If the ...