CreatePlanarTrimSurfaceDLL((vPt), null); bRet = swBody.CreateBodyFromSurfaces(); swModel.ViewZoomtofit2(); } /// <summary> /// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you. /// </summary> public SldWorks swApp; } }Search 'Create Imported Solid Body Example (C#)' in the...
Geomagic Wrap is a reverse engineering software designed to Import 3D scan data and create solid bodies/surfaces produce the fastest scan to CAD process possible
vNewBodyArr = swConeBody.Operations2(swBodyOperationType_e.SWBODYADD, swBoxBody, nRetVal) Set swNewPart = swApp.NewDocument("C:\ProgramData\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2015\templates\Part.prtdot", 0, 0, 0) For Each vNewBody In vNewBodyArr Set swNewBody = vNewBody ' Create solid...
1、如何在 SOLIDWORKS 中添加自定义属性 在“自定义”菜单中,单击“属性名称”下的单元格,然后下拉属性列表。您可以从列表中选择任何属性。 从列表中选择Description,将该值留空,以便工程师可以为每个零件输入该值,也可以由 SOLIDWORKS PDM 数据卡输入该值。 接下来将添加材料属性。从“属性名称”下拉列表中选择“Ma...
Model your glass and liquid. I opted for a slight intersection of my liquid solid into the glass. Make sure that your inner and outer glass surfaces are single faces. (This makes the next steps easier). Step 1: Offset the outer glass surface,outwardwith a very small offset distance. A ...
一、如何在SOLIDWORKS中创建装饰螺纹 装饰螺纹是创建螺纹的简单有效的工具。 ①访问此命令的最简单方法是点击键盘上的S键并开始键入以搜索该命令,但可以在“插入>注解>装饰螺纹线”下找到该命令。 ②在这里至少需要选择一个圆形边线,这是需要开始的第一个边 ...
如何在 SolidWorks 中创建逼真的水滴 在SolidWorks 等实体建模软件中创建外观精美的食物和饮料可能不是您的例行公事,但它是可能的,如果您需要用露水或大量冷凝水淋湿,可以快速、无痛、高度重复(单击, click, click) 将水滴应用到对象表面的方法。 Dries Vervoort 介绍了他在KeyShot 论坛提供分步和 3D 文件,用于自己...
IBody2::CreateRevolutionSurfaceorIBody2::ICreateRevolutionSurface For example, to create a cone, find topological relationships and form relevant arrays. Acomplete solid cone consists of 8 topological entities: 1 shell 2 faces 3 loops 1 edge ...
SolidMgr = (CWSolidManager)Study.SolidManager;if (SolidMgr == null) ErrorMsg("SolidManager object not created.", true);CompCount = SolidMgr.ComponentCount;// Apply SOLIDWORKS material to rest of components SolidBody = null;SolidComponent = null;...
SOLIDWORKS API Help Other versions:|Print|Feedback on this topic .NET Syntax Visual Basic (Declaration) Function CreateBrepBody3( _ ByValTypeAs System.Integer, _ ByValNTopologiesAs System.Integer, _ ByValTopologiesAs System.Object, _ ByValEdgeToleranceArrayAs ...