一个创建 CreateSeuratObject(),下文解析; 一个show(),见 解析3 2.3,本文略。读完代码,掉包侠只需要知道一点: 创建Seurat对象时,active.ident是根据counts的列名解析的:使用_分割cell id,返回第一个部分。如果没有_则统一使用project 名字作为初始 ident。2...
project参数是一个字符串,表示Seurat对象的名称。 CreateSeuratObject函数还可以接收以下参数: ### meta.data 该参数是一个数据框,包含了每个细胞的元数据信息。每一行代表一个细胞,每一列表示一个元数据变量。单细胞分析的元数据信息可能包括样本来源、细胞类型、测序批次等。如果不提供该参数,则可以在创建Seurat对象...
很简单~ 首先读入txt文件,转成table; 生成matrix矩阵,再转成sparse matrix稀疏矩阵; 最后CreateSeuratObject即可。 library(Seurat)library(Matrix)TPM<-read.table("All_Embryo_TPM.txt",sep="\t",header=TRUE)TPM<-as.matrix(TPM)TPM<-as(TPM,"sparseMatrix")# CreateSeuratObjectdata.object<-CreateSeuratObje...
Hi I am a new user and i like to use the matrix of raw counts from the below link and load it in Seurat as a Seurat object. then i like to convert to 10x format to apply some of the upstream steps to the data. But I am not sure as a firs...
Hello, It is probably a very simple issue, but I'm struggling to create a Seurat object. I have a digital expression data rows as genes columns as cells and whenever I'm trying to create the object I get the following error message: Erro...
CreateSeuratObject createseuratobject参数 DB2创建数据库常用参数详解 本文只介绍DB2 create database语法中的常用参数 http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9/index.jspCREATE DATABASE语法树 Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram >>-CREATE--+-DATABASE-+---> '-DB---' >---databas...
Error in CreateSinglerObject(counts, annot = ann, "immune.combined", min.genes = 0, : object ... mice 改为mouse
CreateSeuratObject #248 Open fengyt0831 opened this issue Nov 25, 2022· 4 comments Commentsfengyt0831 commented Nov 25, 2022 Excuse me, may I ask why this error occurs in the code in "D:\Rroom\00_data_ingest\02_tissue_analysis_rmd\Heart_facs.Rmd"...
I am loading a .txt file from GEO as a Seurat Object in R but I keep getting this error: Warning: Feature names cannot have underscores (''), replacing with dashes ('-') Warning message: In storage.mode(from) <- "double" : NAs introduced by coercion_ ...