示例:Azure Synapse Analytics 和 Analytics Platform System (PDW) B. 创建架构并在架构中创建表 以下示例将创建架构Sales,然后在该架构中创建表Sales.Region。 SQL复制 CREATESCHEMASales; GOCREATETABLESales.Region (Region_idINTNOTNULL, Region_NameCHAR(5)NOTNULL)WITH(DISTRIBUTION =REPLICATE); GO ...
Azure Synapse Analytics、Parallel Data Warehouse、SQL Server 2022 (16.x) 以降のバージョンの構文:syntaxsql コピー CREATE CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX index_name ON { database_name.schema_name.table_name | schema_name.table_name | table_name } [ ORDER ( column [ , ...n ] ) ] [ ...
We recommend that you do not attach databases from unknown or untrusted sources. Such databases could contain malicious code that might execute unintended Transact-SQL code or cause errors by modifying the schema or the physical database structure. Before you use a database from an unknown or unt...
Default schema is available if you select either SQL user with login, SQL user without login, or Windows user from the User type list. Certificate name Enter the certificate to be used for the database user. Alternately, select the ellipsis (...) to open the Select Certificate dialog box...
For reference to Azure Synapse Analytics and Analytics Platform System (PDW), visit CREATE TABLE (Azure Synapse Analytics). Transact-SQL syntax conventions Syntax options Common syntax Simple CREATE TABLE syntax (common if not using options): syntaxsql Copy CREATE TABLE { database_name.schema_...
Azure Synapse Analytics、Parallel Data Warehouse SQL Server 2022 (16.x) 及更高版本的语法: syntaxsql复制 CREATECLUSTEREDCOLUMNSTOREINDEXindex_nameON{database_name.schema_name.table_name|schema_name.table_name|table_name} [ORDER( column [ , ...n ] ) ] [WITH(DROP_EXISTING= {ON|OFF} ) ]-...
IF NOT EXISTS无法与REPLACE共存,这意味着不允许使用CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS。 table_name 要创建的表的名称。 名称不得包含时态规范或选项规范。 如果未限定该名称,则会在当前架构中创建该表。 hive_metastore中创建的表只能包含字母数字 ASCII 字符和下划线 (INVALID_SCHEMA_OR_RELATION_NAME...
Note In Azure Synapse Analytics, views currently do not support schema binding. For more information, see T-SQL views with dedicated SQL pool and serverless SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics.VIEW_METADATASpecifies that the instance of SQL Server will return to the DB-Library, ODBC, and OLE ...
If the name is not qualified the table is created in the current schema. Tables created in hive_metastore can only contain alphanumeric ASCII characters and underscores (INVALID_SCHEMA_OR_RELATION_NAME). table_specification This optional clause defines the list of columns, their types, properties,...
If you do not define columns the table schema you must specify either AS query or LOCATION. column_identifier A unique name for the column. Column identifiers of Delta Lake tables without column mapping property ('delta.columnMapping.mode' = 'name') must not contain spaces or the following ch...