Install Power BI Desktop Install Report Builder Report server basics Create a Power BI report for a report server Manage content in the report server Row-level security (RLS) in the report server Create a paginated report for a report server Enter data directly in a paginated report Work with...
您可以針對使用 Power BI 匯入至 Power BI 的數據模型設定 RLS。 您也可以在使用 DirectQuery 的語意模型上設定 RLS,例如 SQL Server。 針對 Analysis Services 或 Azure Analysis Services 存有連線,您可以在模型中設定數據列層級安全性,而不是在 Power BI 中設定。 安全性選項不會針對即時連線語意模型顯示。
Restrict data access with row-level security Add text boxes, shapes, and smart narratives Add a hyperlink to a text box Add hyperlinks to a table Display images in a table, matrix, or slicer Create sparklines in a table or matrix Display custom format strings Create dynamic format strings for...
Power BI Desktop looks at column names in the tables you're querying to determine if there are any potential relationships. If there are, those relationships are created automatically. If Power BI Desktop can't determine with a high level of confidence there's a match, it doesn't create ...
您可以在 Power BI 中建立鑽研按鈕。 此按鈕會鑽研至已篩選至特定內容詳細資料的頁面。鑽研報表的一種方式,是在視覺效果中按一下滑鼠右鍵。 然而,如果您想要讓鑽研動作更為明顯,可以改為建立鑽研按鈕。 鑽研按鈕可以增加報表中重要鑽研案例的可探索性,而您可以有條件地判斷按鈕的外觀和作用方式。 例如,如果符合...
Then a Connect Table is inserted into your worksheet. You can refresh the data to get the latest data. Any data security like Row Level Security, Permissions, and Sensitivity Labels are enforced as well. Just like with other Connected Table experiences, the workbook contains a ...
Applies to: Microsoft Report Builder (SSRS) Power BI Report Builder Report Designer in SQL Server Data Tools Use a matrix to display grouped data and summary information in a paginated report. You can group data by multiple fields or expressions in row and column groups. Matrices provide functio...
20)After adding group, we need to configure that as follows. Select the MATNR as we want to display it as Input field and then add “Button Row”. Click OK. 21)From Enhancement pack 5, we have some very good options like Value Suggestion while entering the mater...
MicrosoftPowerBI:MSRprojecttocreatePowerBIvisualization Charticulatorinteractiveconstructionofbespokechartlayouts Enablepeopletocreatecustom,reusablechartdesignswithoutprogramming Chartdesignreuse MicrosoftPowerBI Charticulatordemo Charticulator ResearchprototypeWorkinprogress BestPaperHonorable...
If you do not come from an IT background (or have never used JSON files before), and the thought of hand-crafting complex text structures fills you with dread, then now is the time to relax and breathe deeply, because it is ridiculously easy to define a simple yet powerful Power BI ...