Runningphp artisan route:listin the terminal to list all registered routes. Conclusion Understanding routes and views is essential for Laravel development. This article has covered the basics to get you started. Experiment with different types of routes, pass various data types to your views, and ...
如果您的路由只需要返回一个视图,则可以使用Route::view方法。这取决于 1-你的工作。2-视图的目的。
Laravel中缓存的使用 1.Laravel为各种不同的缓存系统提供了一致的API,支持的缓存有File、Memcached和Redis等 2.主要方法 put()、add()、forever()、has()、get()、pull()、forget() 3.配置文件路径 /config/cache.php 4.添加路由 Route::get('/cache1', 'HomeController@cache1'); Rout......
Then, set the route by adding Route::resource('posts', PostController::class); to the routes/web.php file. With the Vite development server still running, use php artisan serve to execute the application in your terminal. With your browser, open to see your ...
Step 5: Create the Route Laravel uses routes to map URLs to specific controller actions. Define your routes in theroutes/web.phpfile. For a CRUD operation, you typically need routes for creating, reading, updating, and deleting records. ...
Google how to do that with laravel. Install php unit sudo apt-get install phpunit Disable Xdebug ( Some Tests fail with Xdebug enabled ): sudo php5dismod xdebug Restart Webserver Run phpunit in api root. Preferably run as phpunit --debug for better view of tests when running manually. In...
return redirect()->route("user.dashboard"); } else { return $next($request); } } } Step 7:Now we need the default auth system to login and register users. Here, we will use laravel ui package and create auth scaffold with the Bootstrap framework. let’s follow bellow command:compose...
Route::post('/users/search', [UserController::class, 'search'])->name(''); And a controller with two methods: class UserController extends Controller { public function index() { return view('users.index'); } public function search(Request $request) ...
Laravel 开发团队本周发布了 6.12.0 版本,此次更新支持从扩展包加载模型工厂,通过 dump 函数测试 Session 数据,以及很多其他新特性。...'); // false $request->boolean('unchecked2'); // false $request->boolean('name...
Using slugs in routes To use the generated slug in routes, remember to use Laravel'simplicit route model binding: namespaceApp;useSpatie\Sluggable\HasSlug;useSpatie\Sluggable\SlugOptions;useIlluminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;classYourEloquentModelextendsModel {useHasSlug;/*** Get the options for ge...