yundun-cert:CreateRootCACertificate 全部资源 * 无 无 请求参数 名称类型必填描述示例值 CommonName string 是 组织机构的通用名称或简称。支持使用中文、英文字符等。 Alibaba OrganizationUnit string 是 组织机构下部门或分支的名称。支持使用中文、英文字符等。 Security Organization string 是 根CA 证书关联的组织...
从属CA证书只能由根CA证书签发。 待签发从属CA证书的有效期必须小于根CA证书有效期。 使用实例 创建根CA证书。 admin:/>create ca_certificate general type=root_ca ca_name=root_ca001 validity_period=25550 key_algorithm=RSA_2048 hash_algorithm=SHA256 prewarning_day=180 Command executed successfully. 输出...
创建一个子CA证书。 接口说明 本接口用于通过已有的根 CA 证书签发一个子 CA 证书。子 CA 证书可用于签发客户端和服务端证书。 调用本接口前,您必须已经调用 CreateRootCACertificate 创建了根 CA 证书。 QPS 限制 本接口的单用户 QPS 限制为 10 次/秒。超过限制,API 调用将会被限流,这可能影响您的业务,...
Create root CA certificate Run this script to generate a root CA that is required for each step in this article. The root CA certificate is used to make all the other demo certificates for testing an IoT Edge scenario. You can keep using the same root CA certificate to make demo certifica...
Tutorial - Create a root certificate authority and use it to create subordinate CA and client certificates that you can use for testing purposes with Azure IoT Hub.
When a device doesn't trust the root CA, the SCEP or PKCS certificate profile policy fails.Create a separate trusted certificate profile for each device platform you want to support, just as you do for SCEP, PKCS, and PKCS imported certificate profiles....
You can then export the certificate as a PFX. Again, OpenSSL can be used to split into a PVK and PEM file.In both cases, you have to contact the vendor to identify how to install the certificate chain (Your CA certificates , root and issuing if multiple tiered)....
1. Create the root certificate(For example, "AOCA.cer" in UK environment) Run below command in Windows SDK, you may define the name of certificate whatever you like. makecert -n “CN=Dev/Testing CA Certificate” -a sha512 -cy authority -r -sv CA.pvk CA.cer ...
Create a root certificate. On the Certificates tab, click New Certificate. In the Signing page of the Source tab, select SHA 1 from the Signature algorithm drop-down list box, select [default]CA from the Template drop-down list box, and click Apply. Select SHA 1 as the signature ...
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Certificates is a service for creating and managing Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates. The service enables organizations to create private Certificate Authorities (CA) hierarchies and TLS certificates, that can