Create RFQ IN SAP 创建询价单RFQ在SAP中,T-code:ME41,如下图: Create RFQ 报价截止时间为询价单提交后8个工作日,enter。 2、输入需要的物料及数量包含供应商地址,还有仓储位置,交货时间(报价截至时间一周交付) 选在三家供应商vendor 1000861、1000618、17300001进行三家比较,设置Coll.no均为:COll.NO3(方便后期...
Step 1:Enter t-codeME41in SAP command field andExecuteit. Or follow the following SAP R/3 path Logistics > Material Management >Purchasing >RFQ/quotation >Request for Quotation> Create Step 2:Next on Create RFQ: Initial Screen, you need to add the following information. ...
Type of the parameters to be passed to createFromRfq. Hierarchy CreateFromRfqParameters Index Properties quotationSubmissionDate requestForQuotation supplier Properties quotationSubmissionDate quotationSubmissionDate: Moment Defined in packages/vdm-op/supplier-quotation-service/...
An RFQ in SAP, short for request for quotation, is a document created following a purchase requisition, and sent to potential suppliers, to be...
MN03 : Display Message: RFQ ME33K : Display Contract ME1B : Redetermine Info Record Price MN07 related tables TMKW1T : Taxes: Plant (Purchasing) A160 : Plant Info Record: Variants T069T : Certificate Categories: Text Description T160S : Selection Parameters for Purchasing Lists T163 : ...
//" + integrity sha512-CFjzYYAi4ThfiQvizrFQevTTXHtnCqWfe7x1AhgEscTz6ZbLbfoLRLPugTQyBth6f8ZERVUSyWHFD/7Wu4t1XQ== + dependencies: + ms "^2.1.1" + +debug@^4.1.1, debug@^4.3.2, debug@^4.3....
ME41:Create RFQ:How to disable mandatory fields in Second Screen? Go to solution Former Member on 2011 Oct 21 0 Kudos 1,321 SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) Hi All, First of all, I dont have that much background in MM/Purch configuration. I am currently ...
Finding BAPI/RFC/FM For ME41(Create RFQ) Former Member 2008 Nov 20 4:31 AM 0 Kudos 206 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Plz help me for finding Bapi/Rfc/Fm for t-code ME41(Create RFQ). Thanks, Sunil Sahoo Reply All forum topics Previous Topic Next Topic 1 ...
hiding in the crowd. Always using shortlinks in a Newschain allows for "liquid chains" or chains where the hashlink doesn't increase in size just because of the previous link (which is shortlinked). PvtPpr Doesn't Distribute PvtPpr doesn't distribute your papers nor chain. Since the ...
The tcode to create purchase order in SAP is ME21N. The SAP tcode display purchase order is ME23N. Purchase orders are also used for specific processes like subcontracting (also called toll manufacturing), when another company is using your raw materials to create the semi finished or finish...