I am trying to create rfc destination.For rfc destination i tried 2 create ProgramID through JCORFC Provider in Visual Administrator.After i entered all details and i i pressed set button it is showed an error check for logs.I have seen all log files. D:\usr\sap\KPI\DEVBMGS00\j2ee\cl...
.NET调用SAP内部接口BAPI_BATCH_CREATE时总是报错。调用其他RFC都是正常的。 哪位见过这问题的?帮忙看看哈。现在这谢谢了。 错误信息如下:
上周提到过“c#调用SAP内部RFC:BAPI_BATCH_CREATE失败”,终于找到了解决办法。 是.net调用sapnco组件中少了一个rscp4n.dll。 有需要的兄弟们可以把邮箱留下哈。。。
Technical RFC destination (looks like TST_<SID>_<CLNT>) Business user (i.e. Tester Profile) Base URL / HTTP destination in case of non-ABAP systems. 2. SDC (System Data Container) SDC defines the systems on which the automated test cases are recorded or executed. A system ...
RFC (Remote Function Call) is similar to the general SAP fun module: except that in the attributes you click the radio button: RFC enabled; and you will be passing an Import parameter DESTINATION to it. Other code and usage will be similar to any fun module; Have a look at any fun mo...
lv_destination = lo_destination_finder-> get_rfc_destination_via_rout( ). DATA: lt_rep_unit TYPE ztt_rep_unit, ls_rep_unit TYPE zst_rep_unit, ls_yester_nsv TYPE zst_rep_yester_nsv, ls_cur_mth_nsv_qty TYPE zst_rep_curr_month_nsv_qty, lt_retchn_nsv_qty TYPE ztt_rep_retchain_...
3)Create the RFC destination for the source system and the target system. 4)Create the partner profile using the txn WE20 and add the message type 'ORDERS' in the inbound parameters tab and mention the process code as 'ORDE' and save it. 5)create the distribution module and mention the...
RfcSessionManager.EndContext(rfcDestination); string MaterialDocument = rfcfunc.GetValue("MATERIALDOCUMENT").ToString(); string strReturnType = rfcfunc.GetTable("RETURN").GetString("TYPE"); string strReturnID = rfcfunc.GetTable("RETURN").GetString("ID"); string strReturnNumber = rfcfunc.GetTab...
在SAP RFC中,createfunction 方法用于在SAP系统中创建一个函数模块的实例。通过这个函数模块的实例,外部程序可以调用SAP系统内部的业务逻辑,实现数据的处理或查询。 可能导致 createfunction 出现异常的情况 函数模块不存在:如果尝试创建的函数模块在SAP系统中不存在,将抛出异常。 权限不足:如果当前用户没有权限调用该...
- Non-ABAP RFC client (partner type) not supported (353597) DegreeOfParallelism No The number of calls to process in parallel. To add this parameter and change the value, from the Add new parameter list, select DegreeOfParallelism, and enter the new value. SapActions No Filter the messages...