DELETE: 从表中删除某一行数据时激活触发器,例如 DELETE 和 REPLACE 语句。 UPDATE:更改表中某一行数据时激活触发器,例如 UPDATE 语句。 3) BEFORE | AFTER BEFORE 和 AFTER,触发器被触发的时刻,表示触发器是在激活它的语句之前或之后触发。若希望验证新数据是否满足条件,则使用 BEFORE 选项;若希望在激活触发器...
Replace the placeholder comment with the code from one of the following procedures: Create Project Server 2013 projects by using the JavaScript object model Update Project Server 2013 projects by using the JavaScript object model Delete Project Server 2013 projects by usin...
对于每个 insert ,回滚的时候执行 delete 对于每个 delete ,回滚的时候执行 insert 对于每个 update ,回滚的时候会执行一个相反的 update 把数据该回去 以update 为例,当事务执行 update 的时候,生成的 undo log 中会包含被修改行的主键(便于知道修改了哪些行)、修改了哪些列、及这些列在修改前后的值等信息,回滚...
= ""; SDK.REST.updateRecord( AccountId, account, "Account", function () { writeMessage("The account record changes were saved"); deleteAccount(AccountId); }, errorHandler ); } function deleteAccount(AccountId) { if (confirm("Do you want to delete this account record...
Delete documents Copy and paste thedeleteUserDocumentmethod under yourreplaceUserDocumentmethod. Java /** * Take in a Java POJO argument, extract ID and partition key, * and delete the corresponding document. *@paramuser User POJO representing the document update. */privatestaticvoiddeleteUserDocume...
叫用純量函式必須至少使用函式的兩部分名稱 (<schema>.<function>)。 如需多部分名稱的詳細資訊,請參閱 Transact-SQL 語法慣例 (Transact-SQL)。 資料表值函式可在 SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE 或DELETE 陳述式的 FROM 子句中允許資料表運算式時叫用。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 執行使用者定義函式。
UPDATE minttec SET last_name = 'Shrestha' WHERE first_name = 'Narad'; Check to verify the changes. select * from minttec; Update Values in Table Delete Values from MySQL Table What about deleting a row from the table? For example, let’s delete the last entry of the user whose first...
A query with INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or MERGE fails and returns an error message. Here are options you can use to add or modify the data in the table:Disable or drop the columnstore index. You can then update the data in the table. If you disable the columnstore index, you can ...
public final class CreateOrReplaceRelationshipOptionsThe optional parameters for DigitalTwinsClient#createOrReplaceRelationshipWithResponse(String, String, Object, Class, CreateOrReplaceRelationshipOptions, Context) and DigitalTwinsAsyncClient#createOrReplaceRelationshipWithResponse(Strin...
CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] TRIGGERtrigger_nameGROUPgroup_name[ DEBUG { TRUE |FALSE} ] [ ENABLED {TRUE| FALSE } ] PRIORITYinteger[ COMMENT 'comment_string' ]{ BEFORE | AFTER }{ INSERT | UPDATE | DELETE | REINSERT } ONdatabase_name.table_nameFOR EACH { ROW | STATEMENT }[ WHENcondition] ...