console.log(process.argv)+program+.command('create <projectName>')+.description('create a new project')+.alias('c')+.option('-u, --umi', 'umi react template')+.option('-v, --vite', 'vite react template')+.option('-w, --webpack', 'webpack react template')+.action((projectNa...
/usr/bin/env nodeconstcommander=require('commander')commander.version(require('../package.json').version).usage('<command>[options]').command('init','创建一个vue或react基础项目')commander.parse(process.argv) #! /usr/bin/env node 为固定写法; commander使用方法参考:
CRA会自动给项目安装react、react-dom和react-scripts以及模板。 command='npm';args=['install','--save','--save-exact','--loglevel','error',].concat(dependencies);constchild=spawn(command,args,{stdio:'inherit'}); 8. 初始化代码 CRA的功能其实不多,安装完依赖之后,实际上初始化代码的工作还没做...
Custom Templates enable you to select a template to create your project from, while still retaining all of the features of Create React App. You'll notice that Custom Templates are always named in the formatcra-template-[template-name], however you only need to provide the[template-name]to ...
create-react-app create-react-app study-create-react-app-source-ts --typescript commander 命令行处理程序 commander 文档传送门 let projectName; const program = new commander.Command( .version(packageJson.version)//create-react-app -v 时候输出的值 packageJson 来自上面 const package...
Create React App is divided into two packages: create-react-app is a global command-line utility that you use to create new projects. react-scripts is a development dependency in the generated projects (including this one). You almost never need to update create-react-app itself: it delegates...
最近一直在重构react项目,由于项目历史原因,将之前parcel打包工具换成了webpack,并选择了使用create-react-app作为项目开发脚手架。 接着就是把项目中flow类型检查工具移除掉了,替换成typescript。 相关文档 ...
If you don't select a template, we'll create your project with our base template. Templates are always named in the formatcra-template-[template-name], however you only need to provide the[template-name]to the creation command. npx create-react-app my-app --template [template-name] ...
React-DOM: Used to mount our application Create the initial structure In an empty directory, start by installing the necessary components by using npm. Then configure Snowpack and add the scripts to thepackage.jsonfile. Open a terminal or command window. Then, run the following commands to cre...
create-react-app创建第一个react程序_windows8.1 目录 一,流程 1,确定目录 2,在目录下运行cmd(shift+鼠标右键+在此处运行命令行),或者cmd下cd切换目录 3,执行create-react-app firsttest 等待运行结束 4,cd firsttest 切换到项目目录下 5,在该目录下可以执行命令...