importReactfrom'react';import{ SafeAreaView, StyleSheet, Text, View }from'react-native';constApp=()=>{return(<SafeAreaViewstyle={styles.container}><Text>Welcome to React Native!</Text></SafeAreaView>);};conststyles=StyleSheet.create({container: {flex:1,justifyContent:'center',alignItems:'c...
PS:我本地有两个项目文件,first_rn_project是基于react-native-cli创建的,rn-pro是基于create-react-native-app创建的。 首先我们对比最终的目录结构: first_rn_project目录下边会生成一个ios和一个android目录,而create-react-native-app目录更加简单,我们对比一下,可以使用tree命令(需要安装)展示目录结构,命令如下:...
文档地址 react-native expo 官网 expo 文档 两种创建react-natvie-app的方法 react-native init projectName create-react-native-app project app 环境配置比较:第一种方法要求的开发环境比较繁杂,需要 node / watchman / jdk / android sdk,android studio / xcode 等等。第二种可以摆脱android studio 和 xcode ...
利用Create React Native App 快速创建 React Native 应用 从属于笔者的 大前端开发相关,更多 React Native 相关资料参考 React Native-Reference。本文介绍的 Create-React-Native-App 是非常 Awesome 的工具,…
This command line helps you create components, screens, navigations and even redux implementaion for your react native project. How to install it? To install it globally in your system run: npm i react-native-help-create -g Or yarn global add react-native-help-create ...
利用Create React Native App 快速创建 React Native 应用从属于笔者的大前端开发相关,更多 React Native 相关资料参考React Native-Reference。本文介绍的 Create-React-Native-App 是非常 Awesome 的工具,而其背后的 Expo 整个平台也让笔者感觉非常的不错。笔者目前公司是采用 APICloud 进行移动应用开发(人少 + 应用...
create-react-appmy-react-app npm错误日志如下 161silly pacote version manifestforwebpack@3.8.1fetched in116ms162silly resolveWithNewModule webpack@3.8.1checking installable status163http fetchGET304 (from cache)164silly pacote version ma...
React In the Project type area, select the framework that you want to use in your application. React React Native Next.js note This section describes controls. For step-by-step instructions on how to create a project, refer to Create a new React application. Name Specify a name for yo...
React In the Project type area, select the framework that you want to use in your application. React React Native Next.js note This section describes controls. For step-by-step instructions on how to create a project, refer to Create a new React application. Name Specify a name for yo...
It's recommended to use a framework to build apps with React Native,learn more. Deprecated Create a new Expo project withcreate-expo-appinstead: #Usage for bun, npm, pnpm, and yarn$ npm create expo $ bun create expo $ pnpm create expo $ yarn create expo#Output help information with all...