最后安利一个作者本人创建的CRA template:Spring 它包含了 react-app-rewired, antd, react-router-dom, redux, typescript, redux-thunk, redux-logger等依赖和配置,可以用于快速开始一个小的react项目。 附参考链接 Create React App How to create custom Create React App (CRA) templates...
FB官方的React项目手脚架create-react-app(以下简称CRA)一直被广泛使用,但是CRA的定制性并不好,很多实际开发中的需求都需要将react-scripteject才能解决,不过这样就变成了完全自己维护的CLI,不容易帮助到后面的项目复用。React官方还提出过fork react-script的方法,但本质上也是需要自己维护的类CLI工具,个人感觉并不是一...
Since Create React App (CRA) is no longer supported, modern React templates composed of Vite, Typescript, etc. are being worked on. DEMO Page Recommendation This template is recommended to be used in devcontainer to ensure the same operation on Linux / Windows / Mac. On Windows, the script...
Templates are always named in the formatcra-template-[template-name], however you only need to provide the[template-name]to the creation command. npx create-react-app my-app --template [template-name] You can find a list of available templates by searching for"cra-template-*"on npm. ...
npx create-react-app my-app --template file:./cra-template-typescript-redux How to create custom Create React App (CRA) templates I created a step by step guide on how to create your own templates. View on Medium View on personal blog ...
{{kebab name}}becomescreate-react-app. space Replace all word separators with single space. {{space name}}becomescreate react app uuid Generates unique UUID string. {{uuid}} // => a5df7100-da46-47a6-907e-afe861f48b39 {{upper (uuid)}} // => A5DF7100-DA46-47A6-907E-AFE861F48...
至于@vitejs/create-app则是在 Vite 项目的packages/create-app文件夹下。其整体的目录结构: // packages/create-app |——— template-lit-element |——— template-lit-element-ts |——— template-preact |——— template-preact-ts |——— ...
In this tutorial, you create a Node.js web app project from a Visual Studio template. Then, you create a simple app using React.In this tutorial, you learn how to:Create a Node.js project Add npm packages Add React code to your app Transpile JSX Attach the debugger...
name: 'react', display: 'JavaScript', color: yellow }, { name: 'react-ts', display: 'TypeScript', color: blue } ] }, { name: 'preact', color: magenta, variants: [ { name: 'preact', display: 'JavaScript', color: yellow ...
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