Create React App with TypeScript, Tailwind, and Radix UI (with shadcn/ui). With the help of CRACO (Create React App Configuration Override), ESLint, Prettier, simple-import-sort, Jest and absolute imports with @/*. - zetavg/create-react-app-radix-tailwin
在create react应用程序中安装TailwindCSS的步骤如下: 1. 首先,确保你已经在计算机上安装了Node.js和npm(Node包管理器)。 2. 打开终端或命令提示符,并导航到...
babel-preset-react-app,cra-template-typescript,cra-template,create-react-app,eslint-config-react-app,react-app-polyfill,react-dev-utils,react-error-overlay,react-scripts #11201Webpack 5 (@raix) eslint-config-react-app,react-error-overlay,react-scripts #10761chore: migrate to @babel/eslint-pa...
"react-dom": "^18", "tailwind-merge": "^2.3.0", "tailwindcss-animate": "^1.0...
create-react-app #11322Use env var to detect yarn or npm as the package manager (@lukekarrys) babel-preset-react-app,cra-template-typescript,cra-template,create-react-app,eslint-config-react-app,react-app-polyfill,react-dev-utils,react-error-overlay,react-scripts ...
tailwind.config.js 初始化 5年前 tsconfig.json 初始化 5年前 README MulanPSL-1.0 This project was bootstrapped withCreate React App. 配置教程 配置customize-cra 初始化,创建config-overrides.js 必须使用customize-cra@next,以修复CSS Module支持问题 ...
npx create-app-using-react@latest Usage After running the command, follow the prompts to configure your project based on your preferences. Supported Options React Starter supports the following features: TypeScript: Easily set up your project with TypeScript for type safety. ...
Project Framework: Choose between React or Next.js Project Name: Enter your project's name Language: Select JavaScript or TypeScript UI Framework: Choose between Material UI, Tailwind CSS, or none ESLint: Option to include ESLint for code linting ...
相关新闻是,TanStack 最近添加了一个开源的TanStack Router 的 Create React App。它旨在作为Create React App的直接替代品。这将允许开发人员基于他们的 Router 构建 SPA 应用程序。 为了帮助加快从 create-react-app 的迁移,团队创建了 create-tsrouter-app CLI,它是 CRA 的即插即用替代品。
卸载create-react-app 的依赖: yarn remove react-scripts 修改package.json 文件,使用以下新的脚本: 调整package.json 文件的“scripts”部分以使用 Vite 的命令: "scripts":{"dev":"vite","build":"vite build","serve":"vite preview"} 将文件扩展名重命名为 .jsx 或 .tsx ...