create-react-app是业界最优秀的 React 应用开发工具之一,本文会尝试使用create-react-app创建一个TypeScript项目,并引入 antd。 antd基于最新稳定版本的 TypeScript(>=5.0.0),请确保项目中使用匹配的版本。 安装和初始化 在开始之前,你可能需要安装yarn或者pnpm或者bun。
Additionally, I faced a similar problem when trying to create a React app using the commandbun create react my-appandcreate astro@latest -- --template framework-react. However, thebun initcommand runs without any issues. I performed these attempts within a Docker environment using the following ...
npx create-react-app my-app --template @chakra-ui TypeScript Template# To generate the starter template for a TypeScript project, run the command below: npmyarn pnpmbun npx create-react-app my-app --template @chakra-ui/typescript
# bun --version 1.0.0 # bun create react ./bun-react-app error: could not determine executable to run for package create-react itsjavi commented Sep 10, 2023 • edited pleate use command: bun create react-app your-project-name @KlayHao I don't think bun create react-app is havi...
.├── .github # GitHub folder├── public # Public assets folder└── src ├── app # Next JS App (App Router) ├── (public) # (Public Router) └── (protected) # (Protected Router) ├── components # React components ├── hooks # Custom hooks ├── lib # Functions...
It's recommended to use a framework to build apps with React Native,learn more. Deprecated Create a new Expo project withcreate-expo-appinstead: #Usage for bun, npm, pnpm, and yarn$ npm create expo $ bun create expo $ pnpm create expo $ yarn create expo#Output help information with all...
In this blog post, I’ll walk you through the process of creating such a project – a full-stack app using Go and React. Check out the source codehereto follow along. Introducing Go EatsCopy heading link Go Eats is an open-source project similar to the food delivery apps you’ve probab...
? Choose yourpackagemanager › pnpm yarn npm bun Select a UI Template and flavor (if there are multiple available): Options forRust: ? Choose your UItemplate› Vanilla Yew Leptos Sycamore Options forTypeScript / JavaScript: ? Choose your UItemplate› Vanilla Vue Svelte React Solid Angular...
# Using NPM npm create vite@latest folder-name -- --template react-ts # Using Yarn yarn create vite folder-name --template react-ts # Using PNPM pnpm create vite folder-name --template react-ts # Using Bun bunx create-vite folder-name --template react-ts Once you’re ready, set up...
For more information, see the Ionic React docs. Visit the Making your React app a PWA section of the Ionic docs to learn how to move your app from being a hybrid to a PWA.Test your Ionic app on a device or emulatorTo test your Ionic app on an Android device, plug-in your device ...