接受Pull Request 时使用扁平化(Squash)合并 勾选此选项后,将建议使用 Squash Merge 方式合并以精简提交历史记录 参与者 (6) 1 https://gitee.com/openharmony/arkui_ace_engine.git git@gitee.com:openharmony/arkui_ace_engine.git openharmony arkui_ace_engine arkui_ace_engine深圳...
Learn how to create pull requests or draft pull requests in Azure Repos using Git, and add details and reviewers.
For additional information on creating GitHub pull requests using the command line, you can read theGitHub documentation on creating pull requestsandcreating a GitHub pull request from a fork. Now, wasn’t that process much easier using theGitKraken Git GUI?
In this unit, you'll practice the process of submitting a pull request and merging your changes into themainbranch so that everyone can benefit from your work. InCreate a build pipeline with Azure Pipelines, you created a Git branch namedbuild-pipeline, where you defined a basic build pipelin...
Service: Git API Version: 7.1-preview.1 pull request 状態を作成します。 状態に必要なフィールドは、 Context.Name 状態を一意に識別することだけです。要求本文で iterationId を指定して、イテレーションに状態を投稿できることに注意してください。 HTTP コピー POST https://dev.azure.com...
Check with the git status command if needed. Get the latest version of your code from the remote repository by running the git pull request/ command or configure an upstream branch using git push -u origin master. Here, we are assuming your local branch is called master, and its ...
GitImportTfvcSource GitItem GitItemDescriptor GitItemRequestData GitLastChangeItem GitLastChangeTreeItems GitMerge GitMergeOperationStatusDetail GitMergeOriginRef GitMergeParameters GitObject GitObjectType GitPathAction GitPathActions GitPathToItemsCollection GitPolicyConfigurationResponse GitPullRequest GitPullRequ...
This tutorial will guide you through making a pull request to a Git repository through the command line so that you can contribute to open-source software pr…
Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature) Create new Pull Request Changelog 0.0.4 Allow passbook gem to return a ZipOutputStream (needed when garbage collector delete tempfile before beeing able to use it) [Thx to applidget] ...
If this is not the case (e.g. your xcode project is named SerenityFramework and the target name is Serenity) then you need to explicitly set the target name on that line. For example: SF_TARGET_NAME=Serenity If you are using Cocoapods, you need to build the workspace instead of the ...