docker consul的服务器的发现机制主要是依赖于consul服务,consul服务能够自动的发现节点上的registrator,registrator能够自适应的监控容器的状态,然后反馈到consul,接着通过web的8500端口,以一种前端的页面能够直观的看到在线的容器。 1.consul简介 sonsul是hashicorp公司推出的开源工具,用于实现分布式系统的服务发现与配置 con...
git clone cd docker-rotating-proxy && cd setup docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/app" composer install cd .. # If you don't want to set up OpenVPN, please remove it. rm -rf ./openvpn/* docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/app...
Squid is a full featured caching proxy server and a large number of configuration parameters. To configure Squid as per your requirements mount your custom configuration at/etc/squid/squid.conf. docker run --name squid -d --restart=always \ --publish 3128:3128 \ --volume /path/to/
[Service] Environment="HTTP_PROXY=<proxy URL>:<port number of the proxy server>/""NO_PROXY=localhost,,<IP address of the Docker Registry node>,<host name of the Docker Registry node>" Save the file and close it. Note: To save and close the file, enter ctrl+o...
2、将容器的名称加入docker DNS 可以访问时候直接写容器名 --rm -e -h -i -t -p -P -v docker exec docker ps -a -q docker rm -f docker start : 启动一个容器 docker stop :停止一个容器 docker create :创建一个容器 docker run 和 docker create 之间有两个区别 ...
One of the most popular programming languages, PHP is often a use case for a reverse proxy.PHP-FPM or Fast CGI Process Manageris a great product to use for proxying traffic in the PHP world. Using PHP-FPM in a Docker container and NGINX in another, you can set up PHP-FPM to listen...
Docker (deprecated): supports Kubernetes 1.22 and earlier. Instance and Image settings Parameter Description Billing Method The default billing method used when ECS instances are scaled in a node pool. You can selectPay-As-You-Go,Subscription, orPreemptible Instance. ...
docker:支持1.22版本及以下集群。 默认值:containerd resource_group_id String 否 rg-acfm3mkrure*** 集群所属资源组ID,实现不同资源的隔离。 网络参数 vpcid String 是 vpc-2zeik9h3ahvv2zz95*** 集群使用的专有网络,创建集群时必须进行配置。 pod_vswitch_ids Array of String 否 ["vsw-2ze...
集群内容器运行时,默认采用 Docker 运行时,同时还支持 Containerd 和安全沙箱容器运行时。 更多有关容器引擎的选择,请参见如何选择 Docker 运行时与安全沙箱运行时。 vpcid string 否 集群使用的专有网络,创建集群时必须为集群提供。 vpc-2zeik9h3ahvv2zz95*** pod_vswitch_ids array 否 网络插件选择 Terway 时...
Docker CE for Linux. Service Fabric CLI A Linux cluster with three or more nodes. A registry in Azure Container Registry -Create a container registryin your Azure subscription. Define the Docker container Build an image based on thePython imagelocated on Docker Hub. ...