You can create a Laravel service provider which allows you to register your custom helper file so that the Laravel framework loads it along with other dependencies. Register that service provider in the Laravel configuration and create an alias to use your helper. Of course, the first one is p...
The Facade Class, which tells Laravel which registered (underlying) class it pertains to A Service Provider, which registers the underlying class in the App container The Use Case Let's say we have a class which we want to generate a Facade for. This class might be Fideloper\Example\Underlyi...
UsingFPDFmade easy with Laravel. SeeFPDF homepagefor more information about the usage. Installation usingComposer Configuration Run php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Codedge\Fpdf\FpdfServiceProvider" --tag=config to publish the configuration file toconfig/fpdf.php. ...
Laravel 开发团队本周发布了 6.12.0 版本,此次更新支持从扩展包加载模型工厂,通过 dump 函数测试 Session 数据,以及很多其他新特性。...'); // false $request->boolean('unchecked2'); // false $request->boolean('name...
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\PersonalDataExport\PersonalDataExportServiceProvider"--tag="personal-data-export-config" This is the content of the config file, which will be published atconfig/personal-data-export.php: return[/** The disk where the exports will be stored by defau...
Looking to hire Laravel Developers? Start today and get access to the world's best Laravel talent Table of contents Project Plan and Structure Initializing a New Package Creating the Inspire Class Testing the Inspire Class Adding a Service Provider to Your Package ...
使用laravel5 请使用: composer require georgie/laravel-module 1.0 composer require georgie/laravel-api-autocreate //vue依赖 cd vue-cli npm i 配置 php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Nwidart\Modules\LaravelModulesServiceProvider" php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\Permission\PermissionServ...
Set the route in theroutesdirectory. Setting the route allows for automatic loading by theRouteServiceProviderin theApp/Providersdirectory. TheRouteServiceProvideris the class responsible for loading the application’s route files. Inside theroutes/web.phpfile, importPostControllerusinguse AppHttpControlle...
We will also implement a Condition for Admin and User Login in RedirectIfAuthenticated which is in app/Http/Middleware/RedirectIfAuthenticated.php.<?phpnamespace App\Http\Middleware;use App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider; use Closure; use Illuminate\Http\Request; ...
laravel Facade 2019-11-22 17:44 −Facade的调用原理和过程 创建一个类 CacheManager.php(默认所有组件都在同一目录下) 创建一个provider CacheServiceProvider class CacheServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider ... 夏嘉 0 510 phpstudy2018+Laravel