可以使用CREATE PROCEDURE语句创建存储过程,语法格式如下: CREATE PROCEDURE <过程名> ( [过程参数[,…] ] ) <过程体>[过程参数[,…] ] 格式 [ IN| OUT | INOUT ] <参数名> <类型> 语法说明如下: 1) 过程名 存储过程的名称,默认在当前数据库中创建。若需要在特定数据库中创建存储过程,则要在名称前面...
1.show procedure status 显示数据库中所有存储的存储过程基本信息,包括所属数据库,存储过程名称,创建时间等 2.show create procedure sp_name 显示某一个存储过程的详细信息 mysql存储过程中要用到的运算符 mysql存储过程学习总结-操作符 算术运算符 + 加 SET var1=2+2; 4 - 减 SET var2=3-2; 1 * 乘 ...
Re: CREATE PROCEDURE Syntax Issue Between BEGIN and END Statements 2403 Balaji Thiayagarajan August 22, 2008 01:16AM Sorry, you can't reply to this topic. It has been closed. Content reproduced on this site is the property of the respective copyright holders. It is not reviewed in advance...
MySQL CREATE PROCEDURE 入参 mysql创建procedure 最近在写数据库sql语句,在客户端查询数据库,sql命令较复杂时感觉使用存储过程Procedure更加方便可靠。先看看定义:存储过程(Stored Procedure)是一种在数据库中存储复杂程序,以便外部程序调用的一种数据库对象。存储过程是为了完成特定功能的SQL语句集,经编译创建并保存在...
The basic, minimum syntax is something like this: CREATE PROCEDURE procedure_name (IN parameter INT) SQL_statements The procedure name given can be any nonreserved name, and is case-insensitive. Within parentheses, give a comma-separated list of the parameters that will take data in (IN), ...
mysql> delimiter//mysql> create procedure simpleproc (inparam1int,outparam2int)->BEGIN->selectcount(*) into param2fromstudentswheresid>param1;->END;->//Query OK,0rows affected (0.06sec) mysql>delimiter ; mysql> call simpleproc(1,@a); ...
mysql>delimiter//mysql>CREATEPROCEDUREcitycount(INcountryCHAR(3),OUTcitiesINT)BEGINSELECTCOUNT(*)INTOcitiesFROMworld.cityWHERECountryCode=country;END//Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)mysql>delimiter;mysql>CALLcitycount('JPN',@cities);-- cities in JapanQuery OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)my...
我看了下源码,发现MySqlStatementParser类里面没有实现parseCreateProcedure方法。而SQLStatementParser类里面parseCreateProcedure则是直接抛出一个异常。 public SQLStatement parseCreateProcedure() { throw new ParserException("TODO " + lexer.token()); } 所以解析MySql的CreateProcedure每次都报错: Exception in thread...
mysql>delimiter //mysql>CREATE PROCEDURE citycount (IN country CHAR(3), OUT cities INT)BEGINSELECT COUNT(*) INTO cities FROM world.cityWHERE CountryCode = country;END//Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec) mysql>delimiter ;mysql>CALL citycount('JPN', @cities); -- cities in JapanQuery ...
Script line: 3 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'out clob) is v_input1 clob; v_input2 clob; v_val varchar2(2000):= 'HE MAN'; ...