在单个批处理中,CREATE PROCEDURE 语句不能与其它 Transact-SQL 语句组合使用。 默认情况下,参数可为空。如果传递 NULL 参数值并且该参数在 CREATE 或 ALTER TABLE 语句中使用,而该语句中引用的列又不允许使用 NULL,则 SQL Server 会产生一条错误信息。为了防止向不允许使用 NULL 的列传递 NULL 参数值,应向过程...
在单个批处理中,CREATE PROCEDURE 语句不能与其它 Transact-SQL 语句组合使用。 默认情况下,参数可为空。如果传递 NULL 参数值并且该参数在 CREATE 或 ALTER TABLE 语句中使用,而该语句中引用的列又不允许使用 NULL,则 SQL Server 会产生一条错误信息。为了防止向不允许使用 NULL 的列传递 NULL 参数值,应向过程...
Applies to: Azure SQL Database, SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x) SP1).Alters the procedure if it already exists.schema_nameThe name of the schema to which the procedure belongs. Procedures are schema-bound. If a schema name isn't specified when the procedure is created,...
Applies to: Azure SQL Database, SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x) SP1).Alters the procedure if it already exists.schema_nameThe name of the schema to which the procedure belongs. Procedures are schema-bound. If a schema name isn't specified when the procedure is created,...
The Collation Name option can be set using the sp_serveroption system stored procedure. This option should be set only if both of the following conditions are met: The remote sort order and character set are the same as the specified SQL Server collation. The string comparison s...
if (exists (select*from sys.objects where name ='sp_BlanceOrderInsertCatering'))drop proc sp_BlanceOrderInsertCatering GO CREATE PROCEDURE[dbo].[sp_BlanceOrderInsertCatering]-- 由存储过程SettlementManageO2O 中传⼊值 @ShopId int,@AgentId int,@BlanceId int,@IndustryId int, --⾏业类型⾏业Id...
Applies to: Azure SQL Database, SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x) SP1).Alters the procedure if it already exists.schema_nameThe name of the schema to which the procedure belongs. Procedures are schema-bound. If a schema name isn't specified when the procedure is created,...
Applies to: Azure SQL Database, SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x) SP1).Alters the procedure if it already exists.schema_nameThe name of the schema to which the procedure belongs. Procedures are schema-bound. If a schema name isn't specified when the procedure is created,...
Applies to: Azure SQL Database, SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x) SP1).Alters the procedure if it already exists.schema_nameThe name of the schema to which the procedure belongs. Procedures are schema-bound. If a schema name isn't specified when the procedure is created,...
Applies to: Azure SQL Database, SQL Server (starting with SQL Server 2016 (13.x) SP1).Alters the procedure if it already exists.schema_nameThe name of the schema to which the procedure belongs. Procedures are schema-bound. If a schema name isn't specified when the procedure is created,...