The Octopus CLI can be used to automate the creation of releases using the create-release command. This allows you to easily integrate Octopus with other continuous integration servers. This command creates a release, and optionally deploy it to one or more environments: Creates (and, optionally,...
When MSBuild is invoked OctoPack tries to establish the name of your NuSpec file using these rules: OctoPack will look for a variable called OctoPackNuSpecFileName to use as the NuSpec file. If that isn’t defined, OctoPack tries to find one based on your project name: OctoPack will look...
Here's a preview of the game scene you are going to create during this tutorial - all assets included. The complete tutorial code is available onGitHub. Loading Phaser Demo Why should I use a sprite sheet? The first step is to create a sprite sheet. Using sprite sheets with Phaser serves...
Use the IP Address instead using the hostname Once you install OpenSSL run the above command lines You can find the keystorepassword in the ./Tomcat/conf/server.xml file in the keystorePass attribute 1. set OPENSSL_CONF=c:\openssl-win32\bin\openssl.cfg 2. openssl genrsa -out ServerKey...
Which version and mapr-patch version if any do you have installed? This looks like a bug that's fixed in the latest mapr-patch (for all 7.x versions), these are available at, please see
Copy the.nupkgfile to a local folder. Add the folder to your package sources using thenuget sources add -name <name> -source <path>command (seenuget sources). Note that you need only set this local source once on any given computer. ...
Reid_MS (Expert): Q: Can WIX be used to create MSI patch (.msp) files? And if so, is there an example available? A: WiX can be used to create .pcp files, which you can then use with patchwiz.dll to generate your .msp files. Check out the WiX.chm file under the Patch...
Are you using WSL 1 or WSL 2? WSL 2 WSL 1 Kernel Version No response Distro Version No response Other Software No response Repro Steps 由于套接字没有连接并且(当使用一个 sendto 调用发送数据报套接字时)没有提供地址,发送或接收数据的请求没有被接受。
A very basic sample call a form create using SFP and called by a report program. Create an interface: Add a few import parms to the interface: Create a form which will use the interface and drag the interface import fields over to the Context of the form: Change layout Type to “ZCI...
Then your source file will be appeared. The naming convention is "SRC_Company_Project name_Developer name". Step 26. Now we have to MAP our Source file to a “QUERY” we can find it on the tool bar present on extreme right side of the window ...