Receive Customer Inquiries and Request for Service Receive Customer Inquiries and Request for Service How to: Set Up Service Order Types How to: Create Service Orders How to: Check Item Availability for Service Orders How to: Reserve Items for a Service Order How to: Create Service Orders from...
The quote is deleted and a new service order is set up with the same description as the service quote. The response date and time are recalculated for the service order and the status is set to Pending. The repair status of the service items in the order are changed to Initial....
Choose the device that needs service, selectNextand then follow the instructions to complete your service request. If your warranty does not match the purchase date, seeUpdate your warranty with your proof-of-purchase. For more detailed info on the service process, seeHow ...
ChooseYesto create the service invoices. 備註 You can't create service invoices for the service contract when theChange Statusfield value is set toOpen. To post an invoice from a service order The following procedure describes how to define the part of service that you'll charge the customer...
Service Node “ServiceOrder” The service node ServiceOrder and its subnodes contain the business data of the service. The following table provides an overview of the subnodes of the service order. The relevant node is marked in green. Node Message Header Service Order (Bulk) - C...
DeleteImageAccelerateService CreateInstanceCustomizedDomain CreateInstance CreateImageAccelerationService CheckInstanceName Instance Synchronization APIs ManageReplication DescribeReplicationInstances DescribeReplicationInstanceSyncStatus DescribeReplicationInstanceCreateTasks CreateReplicationInstance DeleteReplicationInstance Introduction...
Learn on the go. Try Shopify for free, and explore all the tools you need to start, run, and grow your business. Start free trial Shopify About Careers Investors Press and Media Partners Affiliates Legal Service Status Support Merchant Support ...
The app service provider app must be deployed before you can call it from a client. You will also need the package family name of the app service app in order to call it. One way to get the package family name of the app service application is to callWindows.ApplicationModel.Package.Cur...
a service item on a service contract that has the expiry date specified. In this situation, when you add the service item on a service order, theContract No.value is not automatically populated on the service...
Define re-create. re-create synonyms, re-create pronunciation, re-create translation, English dictionary definition of re-create. vb to create anew; reproduce ˌre-creˈator n Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014