schema_directory 是STRING 文本。 要在其中创建指定架构的文件系统的路径。如果基础文件系统中不存在指定的路径,则使用该路径创建一个目录。 如果未指定位置,则在默认仓库目录中创建架构,其路径由静态配置 spark.sql.warehouse.dir 进行配置。 警告 如果在工作区级别的 Hive 元存储中注册了架构(数据库),则使用 CA...
Click Create. Grant privileges on the schema. See Manage privileges in Unity Catalog. Click Save.SQLRun the following SQL commands in a notebook or the SQL query editor. Items in brackets are optional. You can use either SCHEMA or DATABASE. Replace the placeholder values: <catalog-name>: ...
IF NOT EXISTS无法与REPLACE共存,这意味着不允许使用CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS。 table_name 要创建的表的名称。 名称不得包含时态规范或选项规范。 如果未限定该名称,则会在当前架构中创建该表。 hive_metastore中创建的表只能包含字母数字 ASCII 字符和下划线 (INVALID_SCHEMA_O...
DatabricksUnityCatalog string Dataverse string Fabric string Hdfs string None string Oracle string PostgreSql string PowerBI string SapEcc string SapS4Hana string Snowflake string SqlServerDatabase string TableauServer string Teradata string Trident string DataUseGovernanceState The...
The table schema is derived from the query. Note that Databricks overwrites the underlying data source with the data of the input query, to make sure the table gets created contains exactly the same data as the input query.Examples Copy SQL -- Creates a Delta table > CREATE TABLE student ...
Evolving the table schema through DML commands likeINSERTINTO, andMERGEis not supported. The following commands are not supported on streaming tables: CREATETABLE...CLONE<streaming_table> COPYINTO ANALYZETABLE RESTORE TRUNCATE GENERATEMANIFEST [CREATEOR]REPLACETABLE ...
-- Create or replace a sales table with a new schema CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE sales ( sale_id INT, amount FLOAT ) USING DELTA LOCATION '/mnt/delta/sales'; Powered By There are other relevant clauses you can use with the CREATE TABLE syntax in Databricks to manage your tables according...
In Pipeline Builder, unique IDs facilitate tracking, processing, and analysis of the data, ensuring that each record can be individually identified...
replaceIfExists If true, Liquibase uses CREATE OR REPLACE syntax when creating the view. Default: false. Available in Liquibase 1.5+. databricks, db2, firebird, h2, hsqldb, ingres, mariadb, mssql, mysql, oracle, postgresql, sqlite, sybase schemaName Name of the schema all selectQuery SQ...
Learn how to use the CREATE TABLE CLONE syntax of the Delta Lake SQL language in Databricks SQL and Databricks Runtime.